undefined undefined Preston Temple Design Released
Preston Temple Design Released
January 1995

“Preston Temple Design Released,” Ensign, Jan. 1995, 76

Preston Temple Design Released

The First Presidency has released an architectural rendering of England’s second temple, to be built in the town of Chorley, near Preston, Lancashire, in the northwest part of the country. The temple will be of modern classical design, with a light-colored European granite exterior and a zinc roof. The temple’s three levels will comprise sixty-five thousand square feet, including four ordinance rooms and four sealing rooms. A statue of the angel Moroni will rest atop the temple’s single spire.

Plans for the thirteen-acre temple site include construction of a stake center, a missionary training center, apartments for temple workers, and lodgings for temple patrons who must travel long distances. A reception center will also house a Beehive Clothing outlet and a family history center. Landscape design incorporates a small pond that exists on the property.

The Preston England Temple will serve Church members in northern England, Scotland, Ireland, and northern Ireland. Ground was broken on 12 June 1994 in a ceremony attended by more than ten thousand members from throughout the British Isles. Construction of the temple is planned to begin early this summer and is expected to require two to two and a half years for completion. The temple architect is Building Design Partnership, based in Manchester, England.

An architect’s rendering of the Preston England Temple.