Young Women Challenged to ‘Experiment on the Word’
January 1995

“Young Women Challenged to ‘Experiment on the Word’” Ensign, Jan. 1995, 80

Young Women Challenged to “Experiment on the Word”

Young women all over the world have been invited by the Young Women general presidency to join together in a yearlong celebration that will help them better understand the power of the scriptures and have a stronger desire to feast upon the words of God throughout their lives.

“There are two things on which we wanted to focus,” explained President Janette C. Hales, Young Women general president. “First, we wanted to assist in the development of these young women’s testimonies, and second, we wanted them to have a feeling of belonging. We see this worldwide celebration filling both of these needs.”

The celebration, which officially begins in January 1995, is based on Alma 32:26–43. Young women and their leaders are encouraged to develop individually the habit of regular scripture reading and then record or share their feelings as they read. “This is giving place for the seed,” Sister Hales observed (see Alma 32:28).

As part of nourishing the tree (see Alma 32:37), throughout the year young women and their leaders should plan and participate in group activities that will nourish their commitment to study the scriptures. These activities, which provide a support system for the young women, could include firesides, group reading, journal keeping, camp projects, and sharing of testimonies. In addition, each unit throughout the Church is encouraged to plant a tree or other plant to represent the cycle of planting, nourishing, and enjoying the fruits of experimenting on the word.

Young women and their leaders all over the world will “feast upon” the word (see Alma 32:42) during the culminating program that will focus on what has happened in their lives as they have regularly read in the scriptures.

“I feel excited when I think of five hundred thousand young women making a commitment,” said Sister Hales. “This is truly an opportunity for testimonies to grow and lives to be changed. We hope every unit participates.”

Young women worldwide will focus on scripture reading during a yearlong celebration in 1995.