Programs and Policies Newsletter
September 1971

“Programs and Policies Newsletter,” Ensign, Sept. 1971, 76

Programs and Policies Newsletter

Genealogical Form Change. The existing rules concerning the use of single source for the entry form and the marriage entry form have been modified to permit these forms to be used where more than one source is needed to identify an individual. The sources used should be recorded in the “source” space for each entry and the “remarks” space may be used as needed for additional information. If minimum standards are met using more than one source, the names must now be submitted on the entry form and marriage entry form rather than on a family group record form. When using multiple sources, the minimum identification standards as explained on pages 26 and 36 in the Records Submission Manual must be observed.

Athletic Tournaments. Because of the growth of the Church throughout the world, all-Church athletic tournaments will be replaced with area tournaments. Beginning with the 1971–72 MIA year (September 1, 1971, to August 31, 1972) nine areas in the United States and Canada will conduct their own Church tournaments. All sports will be on ward, stake, regional, zone, and area levels with one exception: competition in senior basketball (Melchizedek and Aaronic Priesthood-adult) will be on a stake and regional basis and will not extend to a zone or area level. Invitational tournaments of any kind are not to be held. Great Britain and Europe will have zone tournaments and other areas and zones will be organized as needed. Zones have already been organized in the United States and Canada.

Music and Dance Festivals. To permit increased participation at a local level, MIA music and dance festivals will in the future be held on a regional or area basis. There will still be dance and music festivals in Salt Lake City during June Conference, but participants will be from that area only. In some areas of the Church multiregional festivals may be preferred to a single regional event. These may be held wherever priesthood and MIA leaders desire to have one; however, the planning and administration are to be initiated and carried out by local MIA leaders with priesthood approval.

Commercial Advertising Ventures Prohibited. The posting in Church buildings of notices of plane or bus tours to Church landmarks, pageants, or conferences implies Church endorsement of the thing being advertised. Since the Church does not endorse commercial enterprises or products, it is requested that hereafter no commercial advertisements be posted in Church buildings. Likewise, the distribution of circulars to many bishops advertising the sale of “genealogy pins” to stimulate interest in genealogy work has been done without the knowledge or consent of Church authorities. The Church opposes the use of commercial ventures of this kind to promote activity and urges members not to patronize them. Commercial attempts to capitalize on programs or principles of the Church tend to detract from the sanctity of the work and introduce an unwanted spirit of commercialism into spiritual matters.

Girl Primary Graduates. Primary girls will no longer be graduated in sacrament meeting. The graduation program will be held at another time and will be prepared by the Primary presidency.

Deseret Club Name Change. Wherever Deseret Clubs exist on campuses throughout the world, the name should now be changed to the Student Association of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the groups should begin to operate on Student Association guidelines. Regional Representatives of the Twelve and seminary and institute division coordinators will be able to provide information to make the transition.

Rock Opera Not to Be Used. Leaders in the Church are not to authorize or permit the use of the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar in any Church-sponsored meeting. Basically the work depicts the last week of Jesus’ mortal life through dialogue set to rock music. The text discredits the divinity of the Savior. Other productions of a similar nature are not permitted in any areas of the Church.

Dress Standards at Church Schools. Policies have been approved to allow the wearing of modest pantsuits, slacks, and culottes for coeds in the classrooms at Brigham Young University, Church College of Hawaii, Ricks College, and LDS Business College. Still stressed are the principles and standards of the Church, emphasizing cleanliness and the values of modesty, humility, decency, and propriety. Modest hemlines for dresses and skirts are still the standard. Beards are not acceptable and mustaches are discouraged. Long bushy sideburns are not acceptable. Hair must be styled so as not to cover the ears and must not be below the collar in the back.