undefined undefined Today’s Family
Today’s Family
September 1971

“Today’s Family,” Ensign, Sept. 1971, 77–79

Today’s Family

Ruth May Fox was born in England, where her parents accepted the gospel when she was five months old. When Sister Fox was eighty-three years old, she returned to England to a great celebration, the British Mission Centennial. On the banks of the River Ribble, one hundred years after the first baptism occurred, a service was held under the direction of President Heber J. Grant. Sister Fox was one of the speakers.

Ruth May Fox told of her early life in England, of the tender care of her father, James May (her mother died when she was sixteen months old); she spoke of the various homes in England where she was cared for and of her coming to Zion when she was seven.

She said it was a dream come true to walk once more along those shady lanes of her native land, to look out over the green fields dotted with buttercups and daisies.

In her message to the women of the British Mission, as recorded in the Church Section for August 28, 1937, page 7, she said:

“… my sympathies go out to the women all over the world. I know of their little troubles and their little afflictions. And I know about the responsibilities of the father.

“I suppose all fathers and mothers, in bringing up their children, do for them what they think is for their best good. … we are learning that children are sent to us from our Heavenly Father and that they are to be loved and they are to be kindly treated. They are to be cherished and looked upon as the greatest blessing that God can give us.

“May God help us all to be considerate of each other and to appreciate this Gospel that teaches us kindness and love and all the good virtues.”