undefined undefined Contents
November 1971

“Contents,” Ensign, Nov. 1971, 1


November 1971

Volume 1 Number 11

On the Cover: Our cover this month features two pictures from the British Isles. The front cover shows President Joseph Fielding Smith, 95-year-old prophet, seer, and revelator of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, walking down a rose garden path near Manchester, England, with Elder Derek A. Cuthbert, Regional Representative of the Twelve for the England-North Scotland Region. At the area general conference in Manchester, President Smith delivered five addresses, one of which appears on page 2 of this issue; another was printed in the September issue. (Also see address delivered at the conference by President Harold B. Lee, page 8.)

The back cover is reminiscent of another president of the Church—Wilford Woodruff. It shows three children, Trudy and Cindy Wiseman and Clifford Greenhouse, of the Hereford Branch, at the pool of water on the John Benbow farm in Herefordshire where Elder Woodruff, then a member of the Council of the Twelve, baptized some 600 persons into the Church in 1840.