“Our Readers Write,” Ensign, Nov. 1971, 78
Our Readers Write
Love for Animals
A. B. Morrison’s “Our Deteriorating Environment” and Wendell J. Ashton’s “Wolf’s Howl” [August] were excellent. Author Morrison pointed out how we misinterpret God’s injunction about “subduing the earth.” It really means we are responsible for caring for it and its creatures.
Wendell Ashton’s article described very well the nobility of the wolf. To my knowledge, there has never been documented evidence of a wolf’s attacking a human.
Since many people in this world think only of the selfish uses for dogs, cats, and even wild animals, it is important that our Church publications teach us that “dominion over animals” really means “reverence for life.”
Russell Mitchell
Burbank, California
I loved the August 1971 issue of the Ensign, especially the sensitive and respectful articles concerning animals—“Wolf’s Howl” and “Our Deteriorating Environment.” I hope that after reading these fine articles, many Latter-day Saints were encouraged to think kindly about animals and to protect them.
Could you print an article about the religious arguments against vivisection, using the words of moral condemnation of experimentation on animals of such giants as Adlai Stevenson, Charles Dickens, Lewis Carroll, Victor Hugo, Voltaire, George Bernard Shaw, Mark Twain, and Tolstoy?
Florie Sayner
Sherman Oaks, California
Wholesome Literature Only
Please send me a subscription to the Ensign and the New Era for my office reception room. I am so sick of the immoral and subversive articles appearing in our leading national publications, I have canceled those subscriptions and will display only wholesome literature for my patients.
Frank Tanner, D.D.S.
Honolulu, Hawaii
In Appreciation
I want all who help to create each month’s issue of the Ensign to know how much my family enjoys this magazine. Not only does it contain beautifully written spiritual articles, but it also has contemporary material. In these days when we have so much to learn and teach, these current-day thoughts are a boon to my life. I understand a little more about my brothers and sisters. Thank you for this magazine.
Janice Cunningham
Petaluma, California
Each month when I receive my Ensign, I determine to write to you and express my appreciation for your efforts in compiling this magazine.
So many times the articles that I read say exactly the things I need to hear to lift me above the day-to-day and enlarge my perspective.
Because the articles express the truth in a beautiful way, they are stimulating and also satisfying to the soul.
Thank you for helping me have a better life, for allowing me to read the words of the General Authorities, for strengthening my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Marcia Henderson
Bakersfield, California
“Awakening Guatemala”
I would like to add my praise to you and your associates for the Church magazine, the Ensign. This isn’t to say that I was ever disappointed with the Improvement Era, but that there now seems to be a more well-rounded variety of articles that I personally find inspiring and uplifting.
May I just add two little items that might be of importance to your readers concerning the article “Awakening Guatemala” [July, page 24].
The caption for the photo of “Three of the Indian boys …” missed an important point that was my fault in not providing adequate information for Sister Jacobs. We were pleased to see that particular photograph used, for we consider it the most significant picture we have produced. The two boys on the outside, it will be noted, have shoes and are clothed somewhat better than the middle boy. Those two boys are David and Richard Andersen, who along with us have accepted in full fellowship their Indian companion. The picture could adequately be captioned “Full Fellowship,” which is the basic principle on which we are gradually producing a happy, prosperous, and righteous group of Indians, and which element we have often found lacking in relationships with those of Lamanite descent.
I would also like to publicly thank Sister Barbara Jacobs, who spent untold hours and days researching our activities and writing the article for the Ensign.
Cordell M. Andersen
Coban, A.V., Guatemala
From Cover to Cover
I am writing in appreciation of our Ensign. Although the quality of this magazine reflects the talents of many people wise in the gospel, I do not write simply to compliment them. Rather, this letter is written as a testimony that a prophet of the Lord is guiding this church.
I certainly see the Lord’s hand in the things that have been set down in this publication for us, as members of Christ’s church.
I feel always, as I read, that every portion is directly given by the presidency of the Church, for our guidance. In short, I feel certain that this new Church publication has been inspired of God.
Mrs. Noel R. Calvin
Arlington, Massachusetts
Testimony Strengthened
I thought you might be interested in part of a letter our missionary son sent to us this past week. We had subscribed to the Ensign and the New Era for him while he is on his mission in South Africa. Here is a quotation from his last letter:
“I just thought I would take a minute here and tell you how very much I appreciate the Ensign and the New Era. I have read just about every one of them from cover to cover. I read them Saturdays and Sundays while tracting. I am getting rather good at reading while walking. Anyway, I certainly enjoy those magazines. Many times my testimony has been strengthened by them and many times a tear has been brought to my eye when I realized how much the gospel means to me. I might add that they are also wonderful for investigators.”
We too appreciate the magazines and the information they bring into our home.
Florence Youngberg
Salt Lake City, Utah
Wants Own Copy
I have nothing against the Ensign; it is a very good magazine—very inspirational and educational. However, as assistant to the teacher development director, I have heard many moans over the loss of the Instructor.
My personal disappointment was, and still is, the loss of the Relief Society Magazine. It was eagerly awaited each month. It was mine and it was fun. I could cut things out and file them away for future reference. I could underline to my heart’s content. But, the Ensign belongs to my husband, and I wouldn’t mark or cut it. So now, I rely on non-Church literature. At least no one will take away my Good Housekeeping! The children, the teens, and the men still have their magazines, but someone forgot the women!
Anita L. Mott
Sudbury, Massachusetts
Your letter reflects the feelings of many women that they have lost their “own” magazine. True, on first appraisal it may appear that the Ensign “belongs” to husbands. In reality, every article, poem, and story “belongs” to every adult member of the Church. In addition, you, a woman, have from ten to fifteen pages in each issue that have been written for your special benefit: recipes, handwork, child care, homemaking skills, and certain light touches to please a woman’s heart. Perhaps we should concentrate on presenting it in a more appealing way. Please give us another chance! In the meantime, maybe two subscriptions to the Ensign would make it possible for you to have one of your own to cut out, file, underline, or otherwise use to your heart’s content!