“Policies and Programs,” Ensign, May 1972, 111
Policies and Programs
GENEALOGICAL SEMINAR. The seventh annual priesthood genealogical seminar will be held at Brigham Young University, July 31 through August 4. While the seminar is designed particularly for ward and stake genealogy instructors, any Church member or nonmember is invited to participate.
This genealogical research training session, where thirty hours of intensive instruction may be selected from over 180 hours offered, will include courses on research in the United States and Canada, the British Isles and Commonwealth, Scandinavia, Germanic countries, France and the Lowlands, and Lamanite genealogy. Special sub-seminars (running concurrently with classes on research) will be conducted for branch genealogical librarians and aides, priesthood leaders, and ward genealogy class teachers and records examiners.
Tuition for the seminar is $12.50 (this includes course outline and banquet) if postmarked before July 14, 1972, and $15.50 if paid at the seminar. Family housing will be available at reasonable cost on the BYU campus for participants and their families. It is also possible to attend by the day.
Additional information is available from Brigham Young University, Special Courses and Conferences, Herald R. Clark Building, Provo, Utah 84601.
NEW MANAGER NAMED. Ronald J. Otteson, formerly vice-president, succeeds S. Bruce Smith as president of Management Systems Corporation, a subsidiary of the Church-owned Deseret Management Corporation. Elder Otteson has been with the Church computer operations since 1965 in the Advance Planning Department, which became Management Systems Corporation three years ago.
Management Systems Corporation provides systems development and computing service for Church-owned companies and organizations. The genealogical and Church membership systems are their two largest clients. However some other commercial firms are also customers for their services.
PROMISED VALLEY PLAYHOUSE. The First Presidency has announced the formation of the Promised Valley Playhouse Corporation to direct the operation of a new playhouse in Salt Lake City. This new facility for dramatic arts, which will be called the Promised Valley Playhouse, will be housed in a renovated theater of late Victorian design. It will be used by the Church auxiliaries and other organizations to present special cultural performances.
Elder Mark E. Petersen of the Council of the Twelve is president of the new corporation, with the heads of the Church auxiliary organizations comprising the board of directors. W. Jay Eldredge, YMMIA general superintendent, has been appointed as general manager of the playhouse.
The pioneer drama Promised Valley, which has been presented in an outdoor theater the past five summers, will appear inside the new 1,100-seat theater when it is completed in July.
Ronald J. Otteson
Promised Valley Playhouse