undefined undefined Contents
August 1972

“Contents,” Ensign, Aug. 1972, 1


August 1972

Volume 2 Number 8

On the cover: When the news came that President Joseph Fielding Smith had passed away, part of this issue was already printed. For this reason President Lee is noted as first counselor on page 3. Immediately we rescheduled the printing dates, remade the remainder of the magazine, and added additional pages in order to review the life and ministry of President Smith as well as report on the new First Presidency. These special features begin on page 19. Biographies of President Harold B. Lee and his counselors, Presidents N. Eldon Tanner and Marion G. Romney, and of President Spencer W. Kimball will be featured in future issues. (Cover photograph by Merrett Smith.)

“The greatest message that one in this position could give to the membership of the Church is to keep the commandments of God, for therein lies the safety of the Church and the safety of the individual. Keep the commandments. There could be nothing that I could say that would be a more powerful or important message today.”
—President Harold B. Lee, July 7, 1972