Policies and Programs
August 1972

“Policies and Programs,” Ensign, Aug. 1972, 79

Policies and Programs

The policies and programs of the Church are instituted for the purpose of helping members of the Church live harmoniously within Church procedures. Many of these official guidelines are sent to priesthood and auxiliary leaders in a newsletter called the Priesthood Bulletin (PB), from which most of the following items are quoted. Items of general interest from other sources are also included on occasion.

Relief Society Fund Raising. “By direction of the First Presidency, the self-financing policy of the Relief Society was changed, effective September 1, 1970, to a policy whereby the Relief Society receives operating funds from the respective ward, branch, and stake budgets. This change was made to allow the Relief Society to devote its time and energies more fully to its real purpose of rendering compassionate service, teaching homemaking arts and skills, and promoting the cultural and spiritual well-being of its members, as well as to place the burden of fund raising where it properly belongs—with the priesthood.

“Reports now indicate that in many instances the Relief Society is being involved in extensive fund raising for budget purposes, thus interfering with the intent of the First Presidency in changing the financial policy of the Relief Society. …

“While it is recognized that the Relief Society as an auxiliary organization of the Church may need to be called upon, along with other auxiliaries, to help priesthood leaders in raising budget funds, priesthood leaders are reminded that the production of budget funds is a ward, branch, or stake responsibility, arranged for under the leadership of the bishop, branch president, or stake’ president. … The raising of budget funds is usually accomplished most successfully by means of individual assessments to ward and branch membership.”—Priesthood Bulletin

College Student Participation in Church Educational Programs. “Many high school seniors are now finalizing their college plans. Church leadership [and parents] should be aware of this and encourage those who plan to attend college to participate in all the Church-sponsored programs available, such as the institute of religion and the Student Association.

“Colleges where students have access to an institute of religion are listed in the March 1971 issue of the New Era, pages 19–23. The locations of institutes of religion and the Student Association can be obtained by contacting your Regional Representative or division coordinator of seminaries and institutes.”—Priesthood Bulletin

Family Participation in Temple Ordinances. A family association that has no names in the family file at the temple may still come together for sealing sessions, using names from the temple file, provided arrangements are made in advance with the temple. Families can then be together in the temple and receive the inspiration that comes from working together.

When a family desires to come as a body to the temple to perform endowments for the dead, they may obtain needed names from the temple file without making prior arrangements for these names.

Support of Family Members When One Is Ordained or Set Apart. “According to the circumstances, the following procedures are recommended when appointments are made to church positions or when brethren are ordained in the priesthood:

“It is well for the officer who is about to call a wife or child to a ward or stake position, or to recommend a son or daughter for a full-time mission, to consult the head of the family for approval of the intended action.

“It is appropriate to invite the husband to be present whenever his wife is being set apart to a church position, to invite the wife to be present whenever her husband is ordained or set apart, and to invite parents to be present when a child in the family is being ordained or set apart.”—Priesthood Bulletin

Posting Advertisements of Church Educational Opportunities. “Clarification has been requested with regard to the statement in the August 1971 Priesthood Bulletin, item 2, that prohibits the posting of materials which advertise commercial enterprises on church bulletin boards. That previous statement does not include the official programs of the Church Educational System, such as education days, education weeks, and ‘Know Your Religion’ series, which are noncommercial and nonprofit. The Church members should be informed about the activities and opportunities available to them through the Church Educational System.”—Priesthood Bulletin