President Smith’s Last Two Addresses
August 1972

“President Smith’s Last Two Addresses,” Ensign, Aug. 1972, 46

President Smith’s Last Two Addresses

During the last week of his life, President Smith made two major addresses—one on Sunday, June 25, at the MIA June Conference and one on Thursday, June 29, at the mission presidents seminar, just two days before his passing. Both are beautiful and stirring examples of his prophetic insight and contain sound counsel for our times.

Here is the full text of his MIA address:

“My dear Brethren and Sisters:

“I am pleased to join in the spirit of worship and thanksgiving that attends this great MIA conference, to see the many wholesome activities that are prepared for the youth of the Church, and to raise my voice in gratitude and blessing.

“To Brother Eldredge and Sister Jacobsen, to their assistants and counselors, to their associates on general boards, and to all of you who labor so diligently and well in these great auxiliary organizations, I express deep appreciation and high commendation.

“I rejoice in the many glorious blessings which the Lord has so abundantly showered upon us in this final great gospel dispensation.

“We have the holy priesthood, the keys of the kingdom, the Church of Jesus Christ, and the plan of salvation.

“We have every truth, every doctrine, every law and requirement, every performance and ordinance needed to save and exalt us in the highest heaven of the celestial world.

“We have the gift of the Holy Ghost and are guided by the spirit of revelation. The Lord has revealed to us his mind and his will, and we know how we should live to gain peace in this life and to inherit eternal life in the world to come.

“It is true that the world is in turmoil, that there is evil and iniquity on every hand, and that many people are overcome with the spirit of despair. But such should not be the case with the saints of God, with those who have forsaken the world and covenanted to live by every word which proceedeth forth from the mouth of him whose children we are.

“Moroni said, ‘Despair cometh because of iniquity.’ Let us not despair. Instead let us hold fast to the iron rod, be firm and steadfast in the faith, and rejoice that the Lord has seen fit to give us all that we need to overcome the world and to gain the fullness of his glory.

“Let us give thanks for all that we have and are to that God who made us, and signify our love for him by obedience to his law, as he said, ‘If ye love me, keep my commandments.’

“In this connection, your MIA theme for this year teaches one of the great, eternal truths of the gospel: ‘And, if you keep my commandments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God.’

“This is the Lord’s work; we are engaged in our Father’s business; we are the saints of the most high; and we have every reason to rejoice in him and shout praises to his holy name.

“I leave my blessing with you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”

President Smith and his wife, Jessie Evans Smith (she died in August 1971)

Greeting a BYU student of 15 years ago
