Temple Alterations Planned
January 1973

“Temple Alterations Planned,” Ensign, Jan. 1973, 138

Temple Alterations Planned

A renovation program that will improve patron facilities at five temples in the United States is presently underway. Work has already begun at the Idaho Falls Temple.

Although plans and schedules are tentative, the program calls for work to be done on the Arizona Temple this year, with the Hawaii, Logan, and St. George temples slated for renovations next year.

The work will be confined to patron facilities and will not involve alterations to endowment or sealing areas.

In planning the program, consideration has been given to the alternatives of adding to the basic temple structure and the construction of an annex, as was done at the Salt Lake Temple. Plans include an addition to the south side of the Arizona Temple and additions to the south, north, and west sides of the Hawaii Temple.

Each temple will be closed during construction.
