“Three Mission Changes,” Ensign, Jan. 1973, 138
Three Mission Changes
The First Presidency has announced the realignment of three United States mission boundaries and titles in order to “ensure that missionary-member relations are enhanced, overlapping jurisdiction is eliminated, and that proselyting in languages other than English will not be neglected.”
The missions affected are in southwestern United States:
1. Colorado Mission is the new name of the former Colorado-New Mexico Mission, with headquarters continuing in Denver, Colorado. The mission includes western portions of Nebraska and Kansas, a small portion of eastern Utah, and all of Colorado except a small part of the southwest corner of the state.
2. Arizona-New Mexico Mission is the new name for part of the old Colorado-New Mexico Mission and part of the Southwest Indian Mission, with headquarters in Holbrook, Arizona. The mission includes all of New Mexico, a small corner of western Texas, and the Navajo sections of southern Colorado, Utah, and northern Arizona.
3. The Arizona Mission will now include all of the state of Arizona except the Navajo areas assigned to the New Mexico-Arizona Mission, with headquarters in Tempe, Arizona.
With the change, all persons residing within the boundaries of each mission, whether they speak English, Spanish, Navajo, or other Indian tongues, will be within the jurisdiction of that particular mission. Each missionary who has been serving in those areas has been assigned to the mission within whose geographical area he has been laboring.