April 1973 Contents Harold B. LeeTo Ease the Aching Heart Curtis E. LedbetterThe Shepherd’s Flock Helen SeleeAnd Jesus Wept Herald L. CarlstonChanges in the World of Work Betty A. HarveyTears in the Washtub Stanley B. KimballDiscovery: “Nauvoo” Found in Seven States George D. DurrantPointers for Parents: Take Time to Talk Henry B. EyringFamily Followership Jaynann Morgan PayneMary Smith Ellsworth: Example of Obedience Happy Anniversary! Make the Most of It! Robert J. MatthewsSearching the Scriptures: What to Do about Hurt Feelings How My Life Was Changed by the Scriptures Paul H. Dunn and Hartman Rector Jr.Sharing the Gospel Today: A Conversation with Presidents Paul H. Dunn and Hartman Rector, Jr. Alexander SchreinerGuidelines for Writing Latter-day Hymns William E. BerrettTeaching: An Extension of Your Personality Jeanine RutishauserThe Foreigner Our Readers Write News of the Church Mormon Prisoner of War Tells of Experiences During 7-Year Captivity U.S. Dollar Devaluation Raises Costs of Some Church Programs Correlation Leaders Have Been Appointed External Communications Directors Announced 1973 Dates Announced for Special Events, Conferences, Pageants Managua Saints Returning to City LDS Scene: A Round-up of Important Happenings Deseret Industries Committee Books After All Poetry Mildred BarthelJewel