“Contents,” Ensign, Apr. 1973, 1 Ensign April 1973 Volume 3, Number 4 Contents Special Features First Presidency Message: To Ease the Aching HeartPresident Harold B. Lee The Shepherd’s FlockCurtis E. Ledbetter And Jesus WeptHelen Selee Changes in the World of WorkHerald L. Carlston Tears in the WashtubBetty A. Harvey Give Your Child That “I Can Do It” FeelingDarla Larsen Hanks Family FollowershipHenry B. Eyring The Dishes Can WaitWebb Dycus Mary Smith Ellsworth: Example of ObedienceJaynann Morgan Payne Happy Anniversary! Make the Most of It! How My Life Was Changed by the Scriptures Sharing the Gospel Today: A Conversation with Presidents Paul H. Dunn and Hartman Rector, Jr. Guidelines for Writing Latter-day HymnsAlexander Schreiner The Yellow BowlKy Lyman Bishop Teaching: An Extension of Your PersonalityWilliam E. Berrett Regular Features Discovery: “Nauvoo” Found in Seven StatesStanley B. Kimball Pointers for Parents: Take Time to TalkGeorge D. Durrant Searching the Scriptures: What to Do about Hurt FeelingsRobert J. Matthews Our Readers Write News of the Church Books After All Fiction, Poetry On the Collecting of Fast Offerings by Sometimes Saintly DeaconsWalter Maughan For a Child Late for SupperElaine V. Emans Welcome, Sweet Springtime!Jessie Morris The ForeignerJeanine Rutishauser The SignDorothy Hobson Fitzgerald JewelMildred Barthel