“External Communications Directors Announced,” Ensign, Apr. 1973, 68
External Communications Directors Announced
Four veteran newsmen and media specialists have been named division directors of the Church’s new External Communications Department.
The department, which was formed by the First Presidency last August, is headed by Wendell J. Ashton, with Elders Mark E. Petersen and Gordon B. Hinckley of the Council of the Twelve as advisers.
Director of the division responsible for press relations is Henry A. Smith, a former editor of the Church News. He is also press secretary to the First Presidency. His responsibilities now include official Church news releases, contact with news media, and preparing materials for press conferences and area conferences.
Director of electronic media, promotions, and research is Heber G. Wolsey, former assistant to the president for communications at Brigham Young University. His responsibilities include the preparation of television and radio documentaries, creation of public service announcements, and special writing assignments for non-Church magazines and trade journals.
Norman R. Bowen, a former Deseret News city editor, is director of stake-mission public relations as well as assistant Church press secretary. He works with stake, mission, and area public relations councils throughout the Church and also directs preparation of Church displays.
Grant W. Heath has been named director of administrative services, which includes budget control, office management, and liaison with other Church departments. He also is serving as interim director of visitors centers and pageants and is involved in the planning of exhibits and displays.
Brothers Smith, Bowen, and Heath previously served with the Church Information Service, which has now been absorbed into the External Communications Department.
The May Ensign will feature an interview with Elder Ashton on the organization and purposes of the department.
Henry A. Smith; Heber G. Wolsey; Norman Bowen; Grant W. Heath