undefined undefined Statement on Home Storage Issued by Presiding Bishop
Statement on Home Storage Issued by Presiding Bishop
December 1973

“Statement on Home Storage Issued by Presiding Bishop,” Ensign, Dec. 1973, 64

Statement on Home Storage Issued by Presiding Bishop

“The Church has encouraged the storing of only life’s necessities such as food, clothing, and bedding,” declared Presiding Bishop Victor L. Brown in a statement on home storage.

Bishop Brown said:

“For decades the Church has advocated home storage, generally a year’s supply, as a safeguard against emergencies and shortages which may occur. This counsel was reiterated at the recent [October] General Conference of the Church. With an abundant harvest this year, families may appropriately take advantage of the opportunity to store food. Members are advised not to borrow money to put in large stores of goods.

“Members are counseled to use prudence and seek reliable information on what and how to store, and are cautioned to use care and observe local laws and ordinances in their storage procedures.”