undefined undefined Stockholm Is Site of 1974 Area General Conference
Stockholm Is Site of 1974 Area General Conference
December 1973

“Stockholm Is Site of 1974 Area General Conference,” Ensign, Dec. 1973, 64–65

Stockholm Is Site of 1974 Area General Conference

STOCKHOLM, Sweden—The 5,000-seat Convention Hall of this city’s International Fair and Congress Center will be the location of the Area General Conference of the Church, to be held August 16–18, 1974.

Invited to attend the three-day conference are the 15,000 Saints living in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland.

In announcing the conference, which is similar to the ones held in London, Mexico City, and Munich, President Harold B. Lee said that it will be under the direction of the First Presidency, with members of the General Authorities participating. Also included, said President Lee, will be “messages from some of the dedicated leaders of the Church in these countries which, for nearly a century and a half, have contributed some of the most stalwart members of the Church, among them some who have been General Authorities.”

Because of the limited seats available in the Convention Hall, the First Presidency has requested that Saints from other countries do not attend the conference.

The conference will begin Friday evening, August 16, with an activity and social program which local Saints will present. General sessions are scheduled Saturday morning and afternoon, with separate sessions for priesthood holders and for women of the Church Saturday evening. Concluding sessions will be Sunday morning and afternoon.

The conference comes 124 years after missionary work began in Scandinavia in 1850. Sweden became a separate mission in 1905; missions were created for Denmark and Norway in 1920. Finland became a mission for the Church in 1947.

The 5,000-seat Convention Hall of Stockholm’s International Fair and Congress Center, will house the Church’s fourth Area General Conference scheduled for August 1974 to which the 15,000 Saints of Scandinavia have been invited by the First Presidency.