undefined undefined Bulletin Board
Bulletin Board
March 1974

“Bulletin Board,” Ensign, Mar. 1974, 71

Bulletin Board

Services of Church Agencies and Organizations

Every Member a Missionary

Every Member a Missionary.

There is a new meaning now in that motto for members of the Church.

Today, Church members can not only refer friends and family members to stake and full-time missionaries, but also can teach the gospel themselves if they want to.

How? By using the same teaching materials used by the full-time and stake missionaries.

“The Systematic Program for Teaching Families” has been in use in the Church since early 1973. Now stake missionaries have the materials and the Church is making the lesson plans and flip charts available to the general priesthood of the Church.

Teaching from the new program is simple. Potential missionaries memorize concepts and then teach gospel principles by using their own words and understanding of the gospel.

The lessons include the essential concepts to be taught in each lesson and the flip charts which illustrate each major point.

Both the lesson plans and the accompanying flip charts are available from the Church. Each set costs $8.00.

They may be obtained from:

General Distribution Center

1999 West 1700 South

Salt Lake City, Utah 84104

The Perfect Family Vacation

Family vacation in the mountains? Educational experience? Spirituality? A place for the kids to play? No cooking?

No fooling.

If that sounds like the perfect way to spend a week of your summer, then you are interested in the Brigham Young University Alumni Family Camp at Aspen Grove.

Aspen Grove is located on the slopes of Mt. Timpanogos, 12 miles north of the campus.

Each Saturday new families arrive for a week of swimming, tennis, fishing, hiking, riding, and participating in the full range of intellectual and spiritual activities planned for them. BYU professors are among those who help conduct the classes and devotional hours.

The cost for one week depends on the age of the family members: for those under three, the cost is $25.00 per week; those between three and 12, $40.00 per week; and those over 12, $70.00 per week.

For more information write:

Family Camp

Brigham Young University

Provo, Utah 84602