Energy Problems Also Bring Blessings
March 1974

“Energy Problems Also Bring Blessings,” Ensign, Mar. 1974, 75

Energy Problems Also Bring Blessings

Life may be slower and colder for Latter-day Saints around the world, but members of the Church have been taking advantage of the changes in their ways of life to further their work in the gospel and to improve their lives.

In England, where energy and economic conditions are among the most severe, England Central Mission President Reed Reeve sees great blessings in what is happening.

“Although our members are now meeting in stone-cold buildings, with absolutely no heat, the fact that England is on a three-day work week has meant that our missionaries have been able to find fathers at home with their families.”

In England, as in many countries around the world, Church leaders have consolidated meeting schedules. Now Church members make one round trip per Sunday to attend meetings instead of two.

The shortage of goods caused by strikes and production slowdowns in England has prompted greater attention to family preparedness and food storage, President Reeve noted.

Gasoline rationing is now common in most European countries and the temperature level has been lowered in most homes and Church buildings. In Norway, “where we are used to cold, anyway,” homes are now heated to 60°, and Church members are dressing warmer, according to Dean Peterson, Regional Representative of the Council of the Twelve assigned to Norway.

Despite travel inconvenience, there has been no decline in Church activity, Brother Peterson noted.

Scandinavian Church members are planning now to take their families to the Area General Conference in Stockholm. Many members feel that fuel rationing will be ended in late spring and that there will be no travel restrictions at the time of the conference. However, they are making alternate travel plans if the fuel shortage should continue.
