“Doctrine and Covenants Self-Instruction Materials Draw Wide Interest,” Ensign, Mar. 1974, 75
Doctrine and Covenants Self-Instruction Materials Draw Wide Interest
A two-volume self-instruction packet originally and primarily intended for college students and other young adults in areas where Church membership is sparse is attracting the interest of many other adult members of the Church. Known as the Institute of Religion Self-Instructional Packet, the current study material focuses on the Doctrine and Covenants. Future study packets will become available on the Book of Mormon, the Bible, Latter-day Saint doctrine and philosophy, the modern prophets, and genealogy.
The value of the program, says Associate Commissioner of Church Education Joe J. Christensen, is that it has been designed to assist the individual in becoming directly involved with the scriptures. “The tone of the material is intimate and the activities allow flexibility in approach and application.”
Although the material is designed to be studied during the regular school year and has built-in progress reports, it can be used at the reader’s own rate of progress just for the personal satisfaction of gaining a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
“The program,” says Brother Christensen, “offers the opportunity for involvement with case studies, doctrinal insights, messages from the General Authorities, and learning activities that will give breadth to the reader’s understanding of the scriptures, gospel principles, and the application of the gospel.”
The two-volume packet of study materials is divided into a main study volume plus various booklets and a Doctrine and Covenants Data Wheel. Using the wheel the reader can quickly identify a particular section of the Doctrine and Covenants with the date and location of the revelation, for whom it was intended, and the principal doctrine or theme.
One of the booklets provides historical background settings for the 136 sections, and others give guidance in marking the scriptures for the best effect, keeping a personal journal, and developing personal character objectives, plus a means of evaluating study progress.
All the books are designed to fit three-ring binders.
The complete packet can be obtained for $10 through local Institute of Religion representatives or from the Church Distribution Center, P.O. Box 11627, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 (catalog number PNSI0010, Religion 324, Individual Study, Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual, Parts I and II).
The Doctrine and Covenants Data Wheel is one of the teaching aids in the self-study institute course. Both sides of the wheel highlight geographic locations of Mormon history as well as give the date, location, and theme of each of the revelations recorded.