undefined undefined What is the most important goal of the Church four-generation program?
What is the most important goal of the Church four-generation program?
March 1974

“What is the most important goal of the Church four-generation program?” Ensign, Mar. 1974, 23–24

What is the most important goal of the Church four-generation program?

The goal of this program is to motivate members of the Church to catch the spirit of family exaltation by participation. We want them to continue their direct line research beyond four generations.

Most importantly, we want the Saints to qualify themselves to go to the temple to receive the ordinances for themselves and then to receive them for those whose names they have sought out in their research. The scriptures and latter-day prophets have made it clear that our salvation and the salvation of our progenitors is dependent upon accomplishment of this work.

The question is frequently raised by some who wonder why they should go to the effort of preparing and submitting family group record forms in the four-generation program when their grandmother or other family member or members have already done so.

The important thing is not the reference file that accumulates in the genealogy archives as a result of this program, but the stimulation and experience each family receives by actually doing original research or by verifying the accuracy of existing family genealogical records.

Two of the basic items to be included in every family’s book of remembrance are the pedigree chart and the family group record forms for each family identified on the pedigree chart. So, the idea is to submit the forms for the first four generations to the Genealogical Society and file copies of them in your book of remembrance, and then go on to additional research.