“Highlights From June Conference,” Ensign, Sept. 1974, 92
Highlights From June Conference
Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women
1. The Presiding Bishopric now functions with a Committee for Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women without the level of organization formerly filled by the Aaronic Priesthood MIA presidency.
2. The ward bishopric is expected to become more directly involved than before in the programs for Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women. This becomes their first and foremost responsibility. The bishopric is expected to:
—attend Aaronic Priesthood quorum meetings and prayer meeting and opening exercises of the activity night program, visit classes, and become more involved in youth activities.
—hold effective youth committee meetings at least once a month.
—hold a monthly personal priesthood interview with Aaronic Priesthood quorum presidents and group leaders, and with Young Women class presidents. In addition, the bishop should conduct a worthiness and a spiritually uplifting interview annually with all youth between 12 and 18.
3. The stake president is the chairman of the stake Committee for Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women. One counselor serves as vice chairman of the committee.
4. The name of what was the Aaronic Priesthood MIA Young Women’s organization is now Young Women. The overall general organization is called the Committee for Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women of the Church.
5. The term MIA as applied to the Aaronic Priesthood has been discontinued. What was formerly MIA night is now activity night. (This does not mean a change in program. For instance, the Young Women still have 22 lessons in their curriculum.)
6. Great emphasis is placed on the proper training of youth advisers in their role as “shadow leaders.” (In order for a leader to cast a shadow, he or she has to be in the picture.)
7. Leadership training materials for quorum presidents, group leaders, and class presidents have been developed for wards and branches. Training materials for counselors, secretaries, and project chairmen also are available for wards and branches.
Melchizedek Priesthood MIA
1. From its beginning, the Melchizedek Priesthood MIA has been charged with reaching, serving, and involving every individual in the Church 18 years of age and over. In order to fulfill this charge most effectively, it is important that the majority of Young Adult and Special Interest activities occur on the level closest to the individual. Often this is the ward level.
2. Ward representatives are important officers in Melchizedek Priesthood MIA. They have the responsibility of identifying everyone who is eligible to participate, determining their needs and interests, and working with the elders quorum counselor for singles and the Relief Society counselor for singles to make certain that each one is involved.
3. In the area of recreation for each ward member, encouragement is given to ward and stake leaders to expand the recreation program to include every member of the ward. It is intended that this expanded program, while still giving encouragement to competitive athletics, will involve every member of the ward in recreational activity appropriate to his or her interests and needs.
4. The honor awards of Master M-Man and Golden Gleaner have been superseded by the Pursuit of Excellence award, an ongoing challenge for excellence in several areas of one’s life. While it is intended principally for those from ages 18 to 29, the challenge is also available for those over and includes those who are married.
5. The heart of Young Adult and Special Interest activities should involve doing something for someone else. Service and spiritual involvement should have the highest priority as activities are planned. Cultural, educational, recreational, and social activities should be planned appropriately in that order of priority.