Two Area General Conferences Scheduled for South America
September 1974

“Two Area General Conferences Scheduled for South America,” Ensign, Sept. 1974, 94

Two Area General Conferences Scheduled for South America

São Paulo, Brazil, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, are the sites of two area general conferences of the Church to be held on successive weekends in February and March of 1975.

Over 41,000 Church members in the four missions and nine stakes in Brazil are invited to attend the São Paulo conference scheduled for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, February 28 through March 2. The conference will be under the direction of the First Presidency.

General Authorities in attendance will then attend the conference in Buenos Aires to be held Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, March 7 through 9. More than 58,000 members from four missions and five stakes in Argentina, one mission and two stakes in Uruguay, one mission and one stake in Chile, and the mission districts of Paraguay are invited to attend the Buenos Aires conference.

In informing the other church leaders in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela of the two conferences, the First Presidency stated: “If there are members of the Church within your respective jurisdictions who would care to do so, they are welcome to attend either of these conferences.”

The schedule of events for the two conferences is similar to those of other area general conferences, and will include an activity and social program on Friday evening, general sessions Saturday morning and afternoon, special group sessions Saturday evening, and concluding general sessions Sunday morning and afternoon.

Music for the conferences will be provided by large choirs of members of the Church from the countries involved.

[map] The colored areas designate the countries where Church members have been invited to participate in two area general conferences early in 1975.
