April 1975

“Contents,” Ensign, Apr. 1975, 1


April 1975

Volume 5 Number 4

On the cover: Mural of the first meeting of the Primary Association, held in Farmington, Utah. Painted by Lynn Fausett, this mural is located in the Farmington Rock Chapel, Farmington Utah Stake. (Photography by Frank L. Gale.)

Inside back cover: Sunset over Jerusalem. Painted by James Fairman. This painting of Jerusalem that hangs in the Salt Lake Temple gives a mood and setting akin perhaps to the Jerusalem of 2,000 years ago, even though the artist (1826–1904) painted the scene between 1871 and 1881, a time when Jerusalem was essentially Moslem in character, outlined by minarets and domed architecture. The perspective is looking west, from the Mount of Olives east of the city.
