Mormon Media
July 1975

“Mormon Media,” Ensign, July 1975, 68

Mormon Media

Stories of Power and Purpose
By Leland E. Anderson
Bookcraft, 88 pp., $2.95

“In our ward lived a couple who had fled religious persecution in one of the iron curtain countries. Through trials and heartaches they were able to travel to America, their new home of freedom. This couple, well along in years, were facing the Christmas season alone. But they would not be alone. The Spirit of Christ compensated for the lack of family ties.

“On Christmas Eve there was a knock at their door. As they opened the door, many voices rang out, ‘Merry Christmas, merry Christmas,’ followed by the singing of beautiful Christmas carols by the seminary students.

“The youths were invited in, and into the room they brought a Christmas tree complete with lights, tinsel, decorations, candy, and presents galore. In moments it was set up. The lovely old couple embraced each other with tears streaming down their cheeks.

“After more Christmas songs, the students quietly filed out, leaving the couple alone. Brother William A. Tolman [the students’ teacher] was the last one to leave, and the old couple asked, ‘Aren’t you taking the tree and all of these presents with you?’

“‘Oh, no,’ he replied. ‘This all belongs to you. This is our Christmas gift to you.’

“The man and woman could no longer speak, for their hearts were full.”

Brother Leland E. Anderson, former member of the Sunday School General Board, shares in this book some of the faith-promoting incidents in his life which have helped to develop his testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. These true incidents are excellent examples of loving your neighbor, honoring your parents, freedom of choice, father-son relationships, and missionary work.

To Strengthen Family Ties
By Lindsay R. Curtis
Bookcraft, 97 pp., $3.25

“I recall when Elder Thomas E. McKay, who had been my mission president many years ago, paid me a visit. It was in the latter years of his life when his health was failing. From my office window I was able to observe him and Sister McKay as their car pulled up in front.

“Sister McKay was driving because Elder McKay’s health would not allow him to do so. As the car came to a stop, I noticed that Sister McKay remained seated in the driver’s seat. I also noticed that she waited patiently while Elder McKay, in his infirmity, slowly extricated himself from the passenger’s seat.

“With the help of a cane in his right hand, holding firmly to the car with his left, he shuffled around the car to the driver’s side. There he opened the car door so that Sister McKay could get out. She then had to assist him, stabilizing his every step as they slowly ascended several steps to my office.

“After our amicable visit I observed through the window, as they descended the steps, Sister McKay holding firmly onto Elder McKay’s reluctant elbow to steady him. I could perceive that she slightly nudged him to escort him around to the passenger side, hopefully to help him into the car first. But he would have no part of it!”

Through personal experiences, such as this incident demonstrating Elder McKay’s courtesy and consideration for his wife, Dr. Curtis provides a wealth of information for each and every family member. He talks about choosing priorities, taking time with those we love, unity in the home, children, loving, chivalry, listening, communication, prayer, and the importance of feeling important.

Dr. Curtis offers counsel on husband-wife relationships and parent-child relationships, including solutions to present-day problems.

It’s About Time
Filmstrip, color, 14 minutes

“Our time on earth is a precious gift from our Father … a stewardship that can grow and multiply as the ‘talents,’ blessing those about us. Or, time can be misused and wasted till we are in control of neither our choices nor our time.”

This filmstrip, prepared to help Church members make wise use of their time, views time management as “a skill that can be acquired and one that can be of a great value to Church members as they prayerfully approach their assignments.”

Time management consists of three major steps: planning, acting, and evaluating.

“One vital ingredient in time management is prayer. Especially in Church assignments, take your plans to the Lord and be receptive to his inspiration. Then do things his way. Inspiration always comes easier after you’ve done everything you can by yourself—after you’ve set goals and organized your plan of action. Giving your time to the Lord is like giving tithes and offerings. If you give freely, with all your heart, you won’t miss it, and you’ll be able to do more with the time you have left.”

It’s About Time is available at the Church Distribution Center. The principles in this filmstrip are appropriate to any age group from the mid-teens on. It could be an interesting feature of a fireside, a home evening, or a leadership training session.
