undefined undefined General Authorities Assigned to U.S., Canada
General Authorities Assigned to U.S., Canada
July 1975

“General Authorities Assigned to U.S., Canada,” Ensign, July 1975, 74–75

General Authorities Assigned to U.S., Canada

As part of a new supervisory program, the First Presidency has announced that the 50 missions in the United States and Canada have been divided into 12 areas, each assigned to one member of the Council of the Twelve as an adviser and one other General Authority as a supervisor.

The Brethren will continue to reside in Salt Lake City, but will tour their areas frequently.

The new program is designed to improve proselyting and intensify training of local members for leadership positions in the Church. The First Presidency previously announced that six Assistants to the Council of the Twelve would permanently reside and preside in areas of the world outside of the U.S. and Canada. (See Ensign, June 1975, pp. 70–71.)

The assignments, with areas and missions, are as follows:


Council of the Twelve Adviser

General Authority Supervisor

Missions Included

Pacific North

Elder LeGrand Richards

Elder Franklin D. Richards

Alaska Anchorage, Canada Vancouver, Washington Seattle, Oregon Portland.

California North–Hawaii

Elder Marvin J. Ashton

Elder O. Leslie Stone

California Fresno, California Oakland, California Sacramento, Hawaii Honolulu.

California South

Elder Howard W. Hunter

Elder Robert D. Hales

California Anaheim, California Arcadia, California Los Angeles, California San Diego.

Mountain States

Elder Boyd K. Packer

Elder Theodore M. Burton

Idaho Pocatello, Utah Salt Lake City, Nevada Las Vegas, Colorado Denver.


Elder Delbert L. Stapley

Elder James A. Cullimore

Texas Dallas, Texas San Antonio, Oklahoma Tulsa, Arizona Tempe.

West Central

Elder Boyd K. Packer

Elder Joseph Anderson

Arizona Holbrook, South Dakota Rapid City, Montana Billings, New Mexico Albuquerque, Canada Calgary.

North Central

Elder Thomas S. Monson

Elder A. Theodore Tuttle

Minnesota Minneapolis, Illinois Chicago, Indiana Indianapolis, Michigan Lansing.

South Central

Elder Mark E. Petersen

Elder David B. Haight

Missouri Independence, Louisiana Shreveport, Arkansas Little Rock, Kentucky Louisville, Tennessee Nashville.

Atlantic South

Elder Bruce R. McConkie

Elder Rex D. Pinegar

Florida Tallahassee, Florida Ft. Lauderdale, Georgia Atlanta, South Carolina Columbia.

Atlantic North

Elder Gordon B. Hinckley

Elder Marion D. Hanks

North Carolina Greensboro, Virginia Roanoke, Washington, D.C., Ohio Columbus.


Elder L. Tom Perry

Elder Loren C. Dunn

Pennsylvania Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Pittsburgh, New York New York, Massachusetts Boston.

Eastern Canadian

Elder L. Tom Perry

Elder Neal A. Maxwell

New York Rochester, Canada Halifax, Canada Montreal, Canada Toronto.