New Information on Church Policies
December 1975

“New Information on Church Policies,” Ensign, Dec. 1975, 77

New Information on Church Policies

The following items of general interest appeared in MESSAGES to stake and district presidents, bishops, and branch presidents.

Organization of High Priests. The following order of organization for the high priests group in each ward is directed in the new Melchizedek Priesthood Handbook, page 2: ‘A high priests group functions in each ward, presided over by a group leader and one or two assistants (as needed), with a secretary to assist.’

“The activities of the high priests are generally directed through groups rather than through the quorum. Group leadership should be established in such a way that they can ‘sit in council’ weekly, much the same as quorum presidencies.

“Group leaders should be instructed at least monthly by their quorum presidency (the stake presidency), and the entire quorum should meet periodically. (The Office of the Council of the Twelve.)”

Role of Melchizedek Priesthood MIA. Activities for women of the Church are to be provided by the Relief Society. Activities for men in the Church are to be provided by the Melchizedek Priesthood. The Melchizedek Priesthood MIA assists the Melchizedek Priesthood and Relief Society by promoting joint activities for single adult male and female members of the Church and sponsoring the athletic program for men, both married and single. (The Office of the Council of the Twelve.)”

Limiting Guests at Temple Wedding Ceremonies. Those couples planning to be married in the temples should be counseled that space in the sealing rooms is limited and that they should limit the number of guests invited to witness the ceremony. They should contact the temple in advance to determine the number that can be comfortably accommodated and then limit their invitations accordingly. Only family members and close personal friends should be invited.

“Temple marriages are sacred occasions and should not be planned as wedding receptions. Where large groups attend, it is difficult to maintain the order and reverence that should exist in the House of the Lord. (Temple Committee.)”

Special Sessions of Relief Society for Single Adult Women. Special sessions of Relief Society may be organized for single adult women. Where these sessions are organized, the bishop, in consultation with the Relief Society president, should call two single adult leaders—an education leader and a homemaking/ recreation leader. These two single adults are accountable to the ward Relief Society president through the education and homemaking counselors respectively, who serve as their advisers. The homemaking/ recreation leader will also serve as the Melchizedek Priesthood MIA ward representative for the single sisters and represent them on the appropriate stake Melchizedek Priesthood MIA council. Where there is no special Relief Society session for single adult women on an individual ward basis, the Melchizedek Priesthood MIA female ward representatives will be appointed and continue to function with the appropriate male ward representatives in planning all joint Melchizedek Priesthood MIA activities. Specific details are to be found in the forthcoming 1975 Relief Society Handbook. (Relief Society.)”
