I Saw My Counselors Walk In
January 1976

“I Saw My Counselors Walk In,” Ensign, Jan. 1976, 55

I Saw My Counselors Walk In

Two months after we moved to Keams Canyon, Arizona, on the Hopi Indian reservation there, our branch president called me to be Primary president. I was stunned by this calling: I had never worked in Primary before; our branch had no Primary; and organizing one among the Lamanite people, whom I knew nothing about and whose names I couldn’t even pronounce, seemed at that moment impossible. Then Nephi’s reassurance came to me that the Lord will give us no commandments without preparing a way for us to accomplish them. (See 1 Ne. 3:7.)

So I told my branch president I would accept the call, and he asked me to turn in names for my two counselors the following Sunday. He left me a list of about 15 Lamanite sisters to choose from. As I looked over this list I found I could pronounce only a few of the names and knew none of the sisters. I realized more than ever how much I needed the Lord’s help.

During the remainder of the week, over and over again I prayed and reviewed these strange names. Several names kept standing out in my mind, but by Friday I still hadn’t received inspiration from the Lord. I had a feeling of panic.

Saturday I fasted and prayed to the Lord that the two women he wanted for counselors would be at fast and testimony meeting the next day and that I would know which ones they were.

When fast and testimony meeting started the next day, very few members were in attendance, but as the meeting progressed the congregation increased. My anxiety grew, but I knew the Lord would not fail me; the two women would appear. Early in the meeting a sister came in and sat in front of me, and I was impressed that she was to be one of my counselors. But what of the other? Each time the door opened I looked, wondering if it would be the other counselor. Finally a lovely sister came in, and I knew she was the one.

After the meeting I told the branch president of the two sisters and asked their names. Their names were on the list and among those that had stood out in my mind. The Lord had again answered my prayers.

  • Jerry Lee Turley, a homemaker and mother of four, serves as Primary president, Relief Society cultural refinement leader, and pianist in the Polacca Branch, Holbrook Arizona Stake.
