What kinds of nonchurch activities are proper in Church meetinghouse facilities?
April 1976

“What kinds of nonchurch activities are proper in Church meetinghouse facilities?” Ensign, Apr. 1976, 31

What kinds of nonchurch activities are proper in Church meetinghouse facilities?

Elder John H. Vandenberg, Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Church meetinghouses are provided for worship, religious instruction, and for the educational and cultural development programs of the Church. Most of these buildings include a chapel for worship services, classrooms for instruction purposes, and a cultural area for drama, music, dance, and sports activities. When the schedule of the cultural hall, multipurpose area, or classrooms allows, local priesthood leaders may authorize their use by organizations or individuals for one-time occasions such as wedding receptions, family reunions, civic events, etc. These activities should be scheduled on days other than the Sabbath. The arrangements should not interfere with the regular Church use of the building.

Civic or charitable groups may use the facility, provided their meetings and activities conform to the standards of the Church and in no way produce subversive actions toward local governments. Meetinghouse facilities are not to be used for political rallies or for meetings by political parties or candidates, directly or indirectly, for the purpose of promoting their candidacy. This restriction also applies to organizations posing as nonpolitical, but which in fact promote controversial issues or promote or oppose candidates for public office.

On occasion, permission for temporary usage has been given to school districts whose facilities have been damaged by fire or natural casualty. The Church and its people have extended support to community needs in this manner.

Each request for any of these uses is considered and authorized on an individual basis according to procedures outlined in the Physical Facilities Handbook provided to local priesthood leaders. The users are invited to share actual expenses for such use. It is expected that Church standards of behavior will be maintained in the buildings and on the grounds at all times.
