November 1976

“Contents,” Ensign, Nov. 1976, 3


November 1976

Volume 6 Number 11


On the cover: The Rogers family of Rexburg, Idaho, in the front room of their home—fixed up after the Teton Dam flood. The family was inspired by President Spencer W. Kimball’s keynote message of the conference. Seated, from left to right, are Stephen (6), Daniel (3), Sister Marva Rogers, Brother William H. Rogers, Marie (19), and Jerry (15). Standing are Jeanine (18), left, and Ranae (13). Not pictured are Joy (22), who is serving in the California Arcadia Mission, and Henry (23), who is a student at Brigham Young University. The photography is by Eldon Linschoten, manager, Church Photography Department.


Inside front cover: The First Presidency of the Church—President N. Eldon Tanner, first counselor, left; President Spencer W. Kimball; and President Marion G. Romney, second counselor, right. Photography by Eldon Linschoten.


Inside back cover: Harold B. Lee. In continuation of the year-long series of photographs on presidents of the Church, this month’s photograph is of President Harold B. Lee, 1899–1973. Photography by Merrett Smith.


Photography in this issue: Photography is by members of the Church Photography Department: Eldon K. Linschoten, Longin Lonczyna, Jr., Marilyn L. Erd, Craig J. Law, Jed A. Clark.