“Comment,” Ensign, Jan. 1977, 92
Do It
We are admonished by our prophet to “Do It.” I am a seventy and serve as senior president of our stake seventies quorum; consequently, I am always in search of subtle ways, such as the following, to motivate our members to honor their missionary obligations.
Just Leave It to Nobody
Thomas Somebody, Frank Everybody, and John Anybody and Parley Nobody were neighbors, but they were not like you and me.
They were odd people and most difficult to understand, and the way they lived was a shame. All four belonged to the same church, but it was difficult to enjoy worshipping with them.
Everybody went fishing on Sunday or stayed at home to visit friends. Anybody wanted to attend but was concerned that Somebody wouldn’t speak to him. So guess who went to church—Nobody. Really, Nobody was the only decent one of the four.
Nobody did home teaching. Nobody worked on the building. Nobody attended the ward baptisms.
Once they needed a Sunday School teacher. Everybody thought Anybody would do it and Somebody thought Anybody would do it. And you know who did it? That’s right—Nobody.
It happened that a fifth neighbor (a nonmember) came to live among them.
Everybody thought Somebody should try to friendship him. Anybody could have at least made an effort. You probably know who finally shared the gospel with him—Nobody.
And so, brothers and sisters, if you leave it for Somebody or Everybody and Anybody to do the Lord’s work, Nobody will do it.
S. Don Swaby
Richmond, B.C., Canada
Heber J. Grant
Your July photograph of President Heber J. Grant is the most delightful picture of President Grant that I have ever seen. The photographer truly caught the warmth and twinkle in the eyes of that great man.
I am looking at it now and enjoying it, half expecting it to break out in a genial laugh. I well remember hearing President Grant recount experiences of how he was able to achieve—not that the “nature of the task became easier, but that the capacity to do became greater,” or words to that effect. And I often heard his ringing testimony that he said he had borne from Portland, Maine, to Portland, Oregon; and from Canady in the north to Californy and Old Mexico in the south. As you can tell, my memory goes back more than a few years!
I just had to write and express my feelings regarding this splendid true-to-life picture!
Sister Melda F. Hacking
Florida Ft. Lauderdale Mission
Declaration of Dependence
After reading “Declaration of Dependence” (June 1976), we thought you might want to see our framed parchment, Declaration of Dependence. I have read every issue of the Ensign or Improvement Era since our marriage fifty-seven years ago. We subscribed for it on our wedding day February 19, 1919. We feed upon it spiritually.
Ward C. Holbrook
Bountiful, Utah
You people in Salt Lake City should hear the way many pronounce the name of your beautiful magazine. We hear: (1) Ensine, (2) Ensun (Navy), (3) Enzun. I get so tired of listening to #2 and #3 that I could scream. I wonder if you could note in the magazine the correct way to pronounce the name of the magazine?
John C. Barlow
Rupert, Idaho
Congratulations, #1 it is!
Darmstadt not Frankfurt
As an impoverished newlywed couple, my wife and I cannot afford such luxuries as newsmagazines yet, but we would not consider our household complete if we did not receive our copies of the Ensign, the New Era, and the Friend every month.
Please be informed, if you have not already been, that on page 31 of the August 1976 issue of the Ensign you incorrectly identified the chapel in Darmstadt, Germany, as the Frankfurt am Main chapel.
The Darmstadt chapel, while only a few kilometers from Frankfurt, is not the Church headquarters building. The Church headquarters building is adjacent to the Frankfurt chapel.
The attention which you show toward the hard-working European Saints is appreciated deeply by those of us who have a keen interest in the success of the Lord’s work there.
John S. GhoLDSton
Orlando, Florida
Relief Society Winners
The Relief Society inadvertently failed to give credit to two winners of its song contest, announced in the July Ensign, p. 78. The lyrics to “In a Safe Place” (first place) were written by Keola Geilmann of Tualatin, Oregon. The lyrics to “Each One, My Sister” were written by Marion Lee, mother of composer Nancy Lee Oliver, both of Ephraim, Utah.
Sister Barbara B. Smith
Relief Society General President
It Was Mosiah
Reading through the June issue of the Ensign I came across an error in the article “Just and Holy Principles.” On pages thirty-five and thirty-six I found errors in the paragraphs containing quotes from the book of Mosiah. I just knew that King Benjamin did not give the speech from which the quotes were taken. Rather it was his son Mosiah’s proclamation asking the Nephites for their opinion on beginning the reign of the judges.
Jeffrey M. Bassett
Las Vegas Central Stake
Another Seventy
Concerning the articles recently printed on the seventies, we are enclosing a copy of a paragraph taken from the personal diary of Hirim Winters, our great-grandfather, which we think may be of interest:
“On the first day of May, A.D. 1834 I started for Missouri in Zions Camp, led by Joseph Smith the prophet. In February A.D. 1835 I was ordained a member of the First Quorum of Seventies under the hands of the Prophet Joseph Smith, being the second one in the church ordained to that calling.”
Lehi’s Trail
I would like to express warm appreciation to Lynn and Hope Hilton and Gerald Silver for the research, work, and time spent to provide the information in the articles “In Search of Lehi’s Trail” (September and October).
They have really sparked in me an interest in the Book of Mormon and in the individual people in the Book of Mormon.
The entire issues for September and October are excellent, and are a big help in creating enthusiasm for the “new year” in Church programs.
Wendy Nielsen
Sedro Woolley, Washington
On Enoch
Thank you for Hugh Nibley’s series of articles on “The Return of the Book of Enoch.” They have been a great learning experience for me. I have gained so many new insights and concepts that have added greater depth to my understanding.
Norma Darais
Provo, Utah
Ward Paper Joys
In the April 1976 issue, members of the Torrance California North Stake News staff read with interest the “Ward Paper Woes.” We would like to tell you of the “JOYS” of writing a stake newsletter.
The Torrance California North Stake is in the process of writing and compiling the fifteenth edition of their newsletter, which is mailed to 2,400 stake families, full-time missionaries in the field, college students away from home, and members serving in the armed forces.
To plan, collect information and articles, take photographs of special events, complete the final typing and layout of each issue, and update the 2,400 family mailing list is a devoted endeavor of fasting, prayer, and many hours of detailed work. However, the joy of seeing each issue come off the press and receiving the complimentary comments and thanks of those receiving the stake news is truly a JOY.
It was truly a JOY for our stake to be asked to participate in a recent skills workshop, and for High Council Adviser Gordon C. Peters, myself and Marco Holbrook, associate editors, and Bishop Jack H. Jensen, the printer, to make a presentation and answer the questions of those attending. It is truly a JOY to receive the inspiration and help from our stake presidency, President Eldon H. Morgan and his counselors, Silvon F. Engilman and Merrill J. Kemp. President Kemp is also the stake adviser for our stake news. Members of our stake news staff, in addition to those who participated in the workshop, are Kenneth Huthmaker, photographer, and Auxiliary Reporters Martha Conley, Relief Society; Janet Reese, AP/YW; Barbara Carver, Sunday School; and Kay Peters, Primary. The Stake Young Adults, as a service project, prepare the paper for mailing.
With many members of the stake working toward the ultimate goal of making each issue of the Torrance California North Stake News a happy messenger to enter the homes of the stake, we say doing a paper is truly a JOY.
Leona Thompson
Manhattan Beach, California
Political Activity
May I say I enjoyed the recent articles on government, but the casual attitude taken toward political involvement by many members of the Church as well as by other citizens is of some concern to me. A political party is not a club. It is a vital part of the system of government which makes it possible for us to do many of the things on our “like-to-do” lists. As a long-time volunteer political worker, together with my husband, I have observed that: (1) government will continue, managed by somebody, regardless of apathy, mistrust, or disinterest on the part of the electorate; (2) the direction of government is largely determined by those who make the effort to participate in the political system; (3) a few people, dedicated to true principles, can make a difference in the affairs and decisions of government, particularly on the local and state levels.
We have felt a growing need for good members of the Church, who more than any other citizens have insight into the true meaning and importance of freedom, to make their influence felt in the processes of government. It is to be hoped that the good men and women of the Church rise to meet the challenges of our day.
Sheila Ann Olsen
Idaho Falls, Idaho
What the Readers say …
We have been taking the Ensign five or six years, as long as we have been in the Church, and I have loved and admired the magazine for years. I have often thought of writing to express my feelings but never have. Now I must. Tonight I have been going through all the old issues, tearing out pictures of the Savior, the prophets, and other art work that has been printed on the back page. I have the two Anderson prints hanging on my walls and plan to frame the pictures I have taken from the Ensign. Please keep printing the wonderful pictures. I want my children to see inspiring pictures everywhere they look when they are at home.
We are converts to the Church so our library of pictures and teaching aids is small, but with the pictures we get from the Ensign, we will be able to teach our family better.
Joann W. Layton
Decatur Ward
Huntsville, Alabama
Conference issues are read, reread, quoted aloud to family members and friends, referred to in settling questions, used as bases for preparing talks and home evening lessons, carried to meetings and to work, taken home teaching, and set down in the kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom; and when they finally find a place of rest on the shelf six months to a year later, they are continually being dug out again.
Sally B. Palmer
Flanders, New Jersey
I ran across your fine magazine in a customer’s car. It is truly descriptive of teachings put forth in Bible scriptures.
Bruce Dickey
Russellville, Arkansas
Hirim Winters was great-grandfather of Augusta Winters Grant, wife of President Heber J. Grant.
Phares and Mae R. Winters
Pleasant Grove, Utah