What is the present status of the teacher development program?
August 1978

“What is the present status of the teacher development program?” Ensign, Aug. 1978, 33

What is the present status of the teacher development program? Are we still encouraged to participate?

Wayne B. Lynn, director of Instructional Development The teacher development program is very much alive; it continues to fill a critical need in the Church. The three main elements continue to be (1) the Basic Course, (2) in-service lessons, and (3) teacher supervision. Some modifications were made in the program in September 1977. Supervision and in-service are now the responsibility of the various teaching organizations.

The Teacher Development Basic Course is just that—an intensive, eleven-week training program supervised by the Sunday School and held during Sunday School hours. It can greatly benefit not only prospective teachers—including prospective missionaries—but also experienced teachers not previously enrolled in the program.

In addition, each organization or auxiliary with teaching responsibilities provides in-service training and supervision for its own teachers. This means that each organization can tailor its programs and procedures to help meet both the general and specific needs peculiar to individual teaching assignments.

Instead of an annual series of in-service lessons, a new teaching resource manual has been produced. Entitled Teaching—No Greater Call, it is available from the Salt Lake Distribution Center (PXIC064A, $1.50). Treating over one hundred topics, this publication is designed to help teachers improve both the spiritual and technical aspects of their teaching.

Beginning this September, the manual can be used by an individual or in-service leader in all Church organizations. How it will be used is prescribed by the respective organizations or departments.

We can have few joys greater than the joy of rendering righteous influence on the lives of others. Those who desire to teach and those already teaching should seek the skills that can help them affect others for good. Those skills can be gained through the Teacher Development Basic Course and the organization’s in-service training program.
