undefined undefined Ensign Subscription to Cost Six Dollars a Year
Ensign Subscription to Cost Six Dollars a Year
August 1978

Ensign Subscription to Cost Six Dollars a Year,” Ensign, Aug. 1978, 80

Ensign Subscription to Cost Six Dollars a Year

On September 1 a year’s subscription to the Ensign will increase from five to six dollars. The change is necessitated by a nearly forty percent rise in publication and distribution costs over the past four years—while the subscription price has not changed.

The price increase affects only the Ensign. The other two Church magazines, the New Era and the Friend, will publish eleven issues in 1979, instead of the current twelve. Their subscription rates will remain the same.

Those who have already paid for more than one year’s subscription will not be charged extra for the rate increase.

The single-issue cost of the Ensign will be sixty cents beginning September 1. The New Era and the Friend will remain at forty cents an issue.

Church magazines are entirely self-supporting and receive no appropriations from Church funds. Subscription income pays the production and operating costs, as it has for many years.

Church magazines continue to form an official line of communication from the First Presidency and Council of the Twelve to members and friends of the Church. They also serve as valuable missionary tools, helping nonmembers learn about the gospel.

President Harold B. Lee summarized the role of the magazines in 2 October 1972 as follows:

“We feel that the Church magazines are essential tools in our gospel teaching program. They are designed not only to strengthen the faith of Church members, to promulgate the truths of the everlasting gospel, and to keep members informed on current and vital policies, programs, and happenings, but also to provide worthwhile articles to entertain and enrich their lives.”

It is hoped that all members of the Church will continue to use the magazines for these purposes.