Traveling—in the Bag
July 1979

“Traveling—in the Bag,” Ensign, July 1979, 64

Traveling—in the Bag

Last summer as we packed up our camper and six children for a sight-seeing tour of Canada, I decided to purchase a plastic school bag and pack it with several items especially for me. I realized that every traveling moment didn’t have to be spent singing with the family, telling stories, or playing car games. Once in a while the children would need time to themselves to read, take a nap, or play quietly. This would leave me some time for myself. I made an “inspiration bag” for those moments.

In it I placed a copy of the scriptures and a red pencil, a piece of needlework, some stationery and an address book, my daily journal, the local newspaper, the Ensign, and other reading material of interest to me.

This “inspiration bag” proved to be a great little traveling companion—an invaluable aid in making the best use of every moment on our trip. Joan H. Evans, Salt Lake City, Utah
