February 1980

“Comment,” Ensign, Feb. 1980, 70


More on Isaac Morley

Thank you for your mention of the steadfast Isaac Morley in the January 1979 Ensign (p. 31). Isaac joined the Church in 1830, and he was Edward Partridge’s first counselor in the first bishopric of the Church from 1831 to 1840. The Prophet lived in Isaac’s home for months at a time and was hidden there from the mobs. In Utah, Isaac Morley was sent at the head of families that settled Manti, Utah. He was so kind and gentle that white man and red man alike called him Father Morley. He was a member of the first Utah state legislature and was grand marshal of the first “Days of ’47” parade in Salt Lake City.

Wilma Morley Despain
Alpine, Utah

A vote for “Speaking Today”

My favorite feature each month is “Speaking Today.” Having graduated from Brigham Young University, I miss the regular opportunity of going to the forum and devotional assemblies. The messages are always stimulating.

Marjorie Jones
Houston, Texas

General conference notes

I am grateful I live in an area where I can listen to all the general sessions of conference. As I took notes—hopelessly trying to capture on paper the many experiences and insights—I was encouraged to know that my notes would be complete with the coming conference issue of the Ensign. Thank you.

Jan Dickson
Hawthorne, California

The example of Adam and Eve

It was gratifying to read in the November 1979 Ensign (p. 102) President Kimball’s address to the women of the Church, the other messages to women, and President Romney’s comments to the women at the Washington, D.C., area conference, in which he commended to them the example of Eve (p. 109).

It is a privilege to follow leaders who uphold the righteous example of Adam and Eve, instead of denouncing their disobedience. I remember the teachings of my own wonderful father: “Think of Adam in the role of patriarch to the whole human family—the respect, reverence, and honor due him. We should learn to appreciate and follow his example in righteousness.”

Roda Thurston
Hyde Park, Utah

South Africans contribute

I note that when discussing the Sao Paulo Temple, mention is rarely made of the contribution of the African Saints. South African and Rhodesian Saints contributed 34,000 rands to the building of the Sao Paulo Temple in Brazil, 4,000 rands above our assessment. We were grateful for the privilege of assisting in the erection of another temple, and know that it will be a blessing to the Saints in these countries. [A rand equals $1.20 American money.]

Maire Robinson DeWaal
Sandy, Utah

Great-grandfather Cordon

I read the December Ensign with great anticipation that my great-grandfather just might be mentioned—and he was (p. 53). However, his last name should be spelled Cordon, not Cardon.

He was a missionary from his baptism in 1839. He dedicated the southwest cornerstone of the Salt Lake Temple, and he was the father of twenty-two children by his four wives.

Alfred Swainston Cordon
Ogden, Utah


October 1979:

“Family History on Film” (p. 38) could have also included this information:

Not all processors will do contact printing, and custom contact prints could cost more than machine prints of a whole roll of film. If you are shooting rolls of 36 exposure 35 mm film and you want only a few enlargements off the roll, or if you want prints larger than the usual 3″ x 5″ size, contact prints might save you money. Ask for prices before asking for contact prints.

December 1979: The two paintings featured on the cover and inside front cover were provided through the courtesy of Soter Associates, Inc., Provo, Utah, who commissioned the art work for Promised Land Publications and called it to the attention of the Church magazines, giving approval for its use.

Photo, top left, p. 49, shows seminary students discussing scriptures with their seminary teacher, James Ponde (rather than with George Rickford). Originally from the West Indies, Brother Ponde was baptized December 1977 and also serves as counselor in his elders quorum presidency.

November 1979 (p. 12): One additional change in the First Presidency between 7 November 1837 and 27 June 1844 should have been noted. On 24 January 1841 Hyrum Smith, then serving as second counselor, was set apart as assistant president, with William Law (no portrait available) replacing him as second counselor. Sidney Rigdon continued as first counselor. Law was excommunicated 18 April 1844, shortly before the Prophet’s death.
