Talkety Girl
April 1980

“Talkety Girl,” Ensign, Apr. 1980, 74

Talkety Girl

Mindy snuggles her three-year-old bottom into my lap, and as we rock says, “Tell me a story.”

“What shall I tell you about?”

“Tell me a story about Mindy and her mommy on a el-ee-phant with an orange saddle on it. The el-ee-phant goes fast, but they don’t fall off because Mindy’s holding onto the brains. …”

Her fantastic journey gradually melts into a nap for both of us.

To draw from the minds of others is to draw from a bottomless well. To reach for what is already there and organize it in time and space is what the Lord did when he created the earth. Penny Allen, Bountiful, Utah

Illustrated by Janae Smith
