undefined undefined Church Policies and Announcements
Church Policies and Announcements
July 1980

“Church Policies and Announcements,” Ensign, July 1980, 76

Church Policies and Announcements

The following items appeared in recent issues of Messages, sent to stake/mission/district presidents and to bishops and branch presidents:

“1. Use of Sunday School Period. Please keep the Sunday School period free from all other types of functions, such as administrative meetings and choir practices. Also, organize only classes for teaching the approved Sunday School curriculum. These include Course 12 through 17, Gospel Doctrine, Family Relations, Genealogy, Gospel Essentials, and the Teacher Development Basic Course. Please ensure that each class uses only the approved course of study.

“2. Use of Scouting. Wherever they are available, Scouting, Venturing (Varsity), and Exploring activities are an important part of the program for Aaronic Priesthood quorums. They are a valuable resource for providing a fully developed activity program for young men of Aaronic Priesthood age. Unless travel is restricted or other limitations exist, these activities should be held weekly. They should always be held on a weekday other than Monday.

“3. Aaronic Priesthood Camping Trips. The present camping policy remains the same with the change in the meeting schedule. Camping trips for Aaronic Priesthood quorums are a vital part of the program for our boys. They should be encouraged in every ward and branch in the Church. Under the direction of wise leaders, high-quality camping experiences convert, inspire, and strengthen our boys in ways that classroom teaching situations cannot.

“4. Daily Seminary Study. The recently announced consolidated meeting schedule will not affect the need for daily seminary study. Inasmuch as seminary is intended to be a weekday experience, times for weekly home-study seminary classes should be arranged on days other than Sunday. Released-time and early-morning seminaries should continue to function as daily instructional programs.

“5. Men Serving in Primary. The Primary guidelines for the consolidated meeting schedule state: ‘Consideration should be given to calling men to teach in Primary, especially for the older boys’ classes.’ Some ward and stake priesthood leaders therefore may be inclined to call men to the Primary presidency. Men should not serve in Primary presidencies but only as teachers in the Primary organization.”