December 1980

“Contents,” Ensign, Dec. 1980, 1


December 1980

Volume 10 Number 12

On the cover: Nativity scene by Carl Bloch.

Back cover: The Shepherds Are Told of Christ’s Birth, Arthur A. Dixon, 23″ by 18″, watercolor, date unknown. Located in the Church Historical Department.

Inside front cover: Photography by Eldon K. Linschoten. This scene, depicting Christ and his disciples at the Last Supper, is part of a brief film on the Savior which will be shown directly after the Church’s Christmas television special “Mr. Krueger’s Christmas” (see p. 64 of this issue). This photograph was taken during the shooting of the project.

Inside back cover: Bethlehem, Randall Lake, 24″ by 30″, oil on canvas, 1980. Located in the Church Historical Department.