July 1981

“Unhurriedly,” Ensign, July 1981, 49


“A poor life this is if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare.”

Too many mothers I know become pressing dictators to their families, pushing them to do something worthwhile every single minute. Janeen must practice the violin whenever she has a spare minute. Joe must learn to study the scriptures to prepare for his mission. Both should exercise and be well-groomed. Of course, these goals are worthy; it is important to develop our talents.

But for a mother or father to push the children every minute is sheer folly, sure to make nervous wrecks out of everyone—including the parent.

There must be time to stand and stare at anything of beauty—the sunset, the flowers forming and fading. One must take time to stare at ants drying out their food store after a spring rain, or spiders spinning their webs back and forth. Children must follow butterflies, birds, and frogs in complete abandon from time to time.

When the six-year-old or the eight-year-old or even the fifteen-year-old daudles over his dressing, his lessons, or his getting to bed, it is his birthright on occasion to do so. No schedule should prohibit “doing nothing in particular.” We all need time to think, to stand and stare.—Caroline Eyring Miner, Salt Lake City, Utah

Photography by Marilyn E. Péo
