What if She’s Right?
September 1981

“What if She’s Right?” Ensign, Sept. 1981, 55

What if She’s Right?

A few years ago, I attended a January Spiritual Living lesson in Relief Society that has made a marked impression upon my life.

It seems to me that the first Spiritual Living lesson of each new year teaches repentance. I didn’t attend Relief Society that day expecting to learn anything significant or new. However, the teacher presented an idea that was new to me, prompting some deep introspection. Apparently I was not the only one stimulated by her remarks. The room was suddenly alive with questions and comments. Later, outside the meetinghouse, some of the sisters approached me and asked why I hadn’t said something to correct what they thought were misconceptions of the teacher. I could only reply, “Because I’m afraid she might be right. I’m going home to do some further study and find out if she is.”

Over the next several days I reread the lesson from my Relief Society manual and other sources on the subject. A conviction grew in my heart that the message she left with us was true, a message I needed to learn. What a blessing it is to be taught by a dear sister who prepares and teaches her lessons by the Spirit of the Lord! Loraine Tolman Pace, Logan, Utah
