Now That You’ve Written a Wonderful Article
December 1981

“Now That You’ve Written a Wonderful Article,” Ensign, Dec. 1981, 73

Now That You’ve Written a Wonderful Article

A few months ago we mentioned that the Ensign welcomes freelance contributions. If the idea of writing for us sparked an interest, perhaps you’ve already put your mind—and typewriter—into gear. And you just might be wondering what to do now. Here are some nuts-and-bolts pointers for submitting a manuscript.

First, even before you commit anything to paper, ask yourself if the article you have in mind merits a query. You can save time and effort by writing us to determine if we would be interested.

When actually preparing a manuscript, type on good paper (not erasable bond, colored, or lined paper). Always double-space. Type your return address in the upper right-hand corner of the first page. Always allow a good margin (generally at least an inch on all sides).

Then send your manuscript to: Ensign, 50 E. North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150, USA.

We receive hundreds of submissions monthly. If yours fits our needs, it will be accepted. But the review process takes from four to eight weeks. If you wish to have a rejected manuscript returned to you, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope with the manuscript; otherwise, do not expect a reply.

Articles on a wide variety of subjects, poetry, fiction, humor—all are welcome at the Ensign. We’d like to hear from you.
