Policies and Announcements
March 1982

“Policies and Announcements,” Ensign, Mar. 1982, 78–80

Policies and Announcements

First Presidency Counsels against Racial Prejudice, Religious Intolerance, Terrorism, and Crime. As 1981 drew to its close, the First Presidency issued the following statement from Church headquarters in Salt Lake City:

“In the dawn of this New Year, we earnestly desire the well-being of humanity. We implore all people, whoever and wherever they are, to banish hate from their lives, to fill their hearts with charity, patience, long-suffering, and forgiveness.

“As a matter of doctrine and practice, leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have consistently counseled members of the Church to observe the constitutional law of the land in which they live and to refuse all association with organizations that would deprive citizens of their civil and religious rights.

“We deplore the efforts of organizations and individuals that foster racial prejudice, feed upon religious intolerance, and resort to terrorism, crime, and violent interference with private conduct and public activity.

“Peace, order, and dignity cannot long survive in society when hatred, intolerance, and suspicion motivate human behavior.

“We reaffirm that all may enjoy perfect contentment and peace by following the footsteps of Jesus Christ, who said, ‘I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.’ (John 8:12.)”

Counseling with Local Leaders. In a letter dated 20 November 1981, the First Presidency advised Church members concerning the role of local leadership in personal counseling. Members were also cautioned against placing undue burdens upon the Brethren:

“We continue to receive numerous telephone calls and letters at the general headquarters of the Church about intimate personal matters involving Church members. This has caused us to ask again that you advise the members of your respective units that they should contact their local leaders about these matters. These local leaders are, by reason of their ordinations and setting apart, entitled to a heavenly endowment of the discernment and inspiration necessary to enable them to give the advice that one in trouble needs. If a bishop or branch president needs assistance, he may go to the stake or mission president, who may, in turn, seek counsel from his Regional Representative or Executive Administrator. We, therefore, urge all members who have problems or questions that trouble them to consult their bishops or branch presidents freely and fully and receive from them the assistance they need. It is also noted that occasionally members of the Church make specific requests of the Church President, his counselors, or other General Authorities. These include requests for personal letters of commendation for some specific achievement (Eagle Scout, graduations, etc.), favorite recipes, autographs for scriptures, cancelled postage stamps from foreign countries, and manuscripts sent to a General Authority for his endorsement or review. Sometimes seminary and auxiliary teachers encourage students to write to General Authorities with questions or requests. Such requests place an undue burden on the Brethren and should not be made.”

Temple Garment for Military Personnel. The First Presidency has approved a crew-neck top for the two-piece temple garment for men serving in the military forces. This top meets military requirements to wear crew-neck T-shirts. The new top is 100 percent cotton. It is available through the Beehive Clothing distribution center only and may be purchased in person or by mail order as a special order item at Beehive Clothing, 1665 Bennett Road, P.O. Box 27287, Salt Lake City, Utah 84127. The cost is $2.65 each, plus shipping charges if ordered by mail.

At present these tops will be sold only to members serving in the military forces, including active duty, reserve, and National Guard components, due to limited quantities available. Certification of military status by the person’s military commander, bishop, LDS chaplain, group leader, or other military or Church official will serve as proof of military status when ordering the temple garment for military personnel.

As soon as production permits, the top will be available in all Beehive Clothing distribution centers for all members.

The following items appeared in the Bulletin for January 1982.

Motion Picture Films on Video Cassette. Selected motion picture films (English only) have been grouped on one-half inch VHS and Beta video cassettes that Church units and members in the United States can buy at $40.00 per cassette from the Salt Lake City Distribution Center. (The VHS format will be used in the Church satellite system.)

  • Videocassette 1

  • (VVVH0012) VHS format

  • (VVVB0010) Beta format

  • Christ in America

  • Ancient Writing and the Book of Mormon

  • Ancient America Speaks

  • The Lost Manuscript

  • The Three Witnesses

  • Videocassette 2

  • (VVVH0023) VHS format

  • (VVVB0021) Beta format

  • Where Jesus Walked

  • The First Vision

  • Man’s Search for Happiness

  • In This Holy Place

  • This Is My Glory

  • Windows of Heaven

  • Videocassette 3

  • (VVVH0034) VHS format

  • (VVVB0032) Beta format

  • Go Ye into All the World

  • Strengthening the Home

  • Johnny Lingo

  • Are You Listening?

  • Love at Home

  • Videocassette 4

  • (VVVH0045) VHS format

  • (VVVB0043) Beta format

  • What about Thad?

  • Worthy to Stand

  • When Thou Art Converted

  • Pioneers in Petticoats

Deseret Recipes. The Relief Society and the Welfare Services Department have produced a basic recipe book, Deseret Recipes, for welfare recipients. Bishops can order it using a Bishop’s Order. In addition, anyone may purchase Deseret Recipes (PSWE076A, $3.00 each) from the Salt Lake Distribution Center. Relief Society leaders may use this book to teach those on limited budgets how to plan and prepare well-balanced meals.

Visiting Teachers. Visiting teachers should report their visits monthly to the president by way of the visiting teaching supervisors or the Visiting Teaching and Compassionate Service leader. They will receive training in communication skills in the fifth Sunday Compassionate Service lesson and make a personal oral report to the Relief Society president at least twice a year. The visiting teaching preparation meeting is no longer held.
