undefined undefined ‘Getting-to-Know-You-Better’ Night
‘Getting-to-Know-You-Better’ Night
March 1982

“‘Getting-to-Know-You-Better’ Night,” Ensign, Mar. 1982, 49

“Getting-to-Know-You-Better” Night

For one of our family home evenings, we held a “getting-to-know-you-better” night. It was a smashing success. First, each family member listed (anonymously) on a sheet of paper answers to questions about favorite subjects, games and activities, books, vacations, artistic creations, foods, desserts, colors, and other items. Then we shuffled the sheets and had a lively time matching them with family members, a delightful way of learning more about each other.

After home evening, I gathered up the papers to save for books of remembrance. But before I filed them, I used them to make a special “recipe” card for each family member, listing information to use at birthdays, Christmas, or other special days for honoring individual family members. I keep these cards in my file for easy access. Sharla Luker, Salt Lake City, Utah