Stop-and-Go Chores
July 1982

“Stop-and-Go Chores,” Ensign, July 1982, 62

Stop-and-Go Chores

I was becoming more and more frustrated as I tried to get my four small children to finish their daily chores. A major problem was neighborhood children knocking at the door and asking if one of my “housecleaners” could play. Each knock meant confusion among my three oldest as they rushed to answer. With each knock they also left their tasks undone, which only added to my frustration.

Finally a solution came while I was chatting with a friend who had been raised in a family of nine. Her mother had made a sign that was red on one side, green on the other. When her children needed to do their chores, she displayed the red “stop” sign on the door or in the window to let their neighborhood playmates know that they were busy and could not play. When the chores were done, she turned the sign to the green “go” side, signalling these friends that her children were now free to play. I have found this idea to be a helpful aid in training my children to work. Jilleanne L. Hall, Roy, Utah
