“Comment,” Ensign, Aug. 1982, 67
“Therefore I Was Taught”
I would like to thank President Kimball for the January 1982 message “Therefore I Was Taught.” I am the mother of three small children, and never before have I needed a message like this one. It has helped me become a better mother and a better child of God. It has given me the wisdom I prayed for.
Carol L. Kibler
College Park, Maryland
The Marriage Quiz
Thank you for the marriage quiz (September 1981, p. 43). It provided a very special evening of communication and sharing for my husband and me. As my husband finished his response paper he said there was one question he couldn’t answer. I told him I too had left one blank. On comparison, we discovered we had both left blank number 20: “The one thing in our marriage that needs the most immediate attention is …”
I have saved our response papers. They are a reminder of how we can each be a better spouse and are tangible evidence of our love for each other. The whole issue was wonderful.
Gayle Platt Spjut
Kingsville, Texas
On Short Sermons
I especially enjoyed Brother Hafen’s article about Elder Neal A. Maxwell (February 1982, p. 6). I have loved Elder Maxwell’s talks and our family bulletin board and files are filled with quotes in which he says so much in a sentence or two. Two more recent quotes have special appeal:
“Once our direction is correct, we can give attention to pace.” (Ensign, August 1981, p. 13.)
“Yes, Armageddon lies ahead. But so does Adam-ondi-Ahman!” (Ensign, November 1981, p. 10.)
LaDean H. Rupp
Tremonton, Utah
Picture Was Flopped
It appears that in the picture of the baptism being performed (February 1982, p. 3), the person officiating is raising his left hand to the square, not his right.
William Lee Garber
Staunton, Virginia
True. The picture was inadvertently reversed when being prepared for printing, making the officiator seem to raise his left hand.
Daniel Webster Jones
The August 1981 Ensign contains an article about Daniel Webster Jones (p. 50) and his missionary labors in Mexico. But the picture you used seems to be that of Captain Dan Jones, my great-grandfather, who was with the Prophet Joseph Smith in Carthage jail and who later labored as a missionary in Wales.
DeVear Dennis
Orem, Utah
Correct. We have since obtained a photo of Daniel Webster Jones at the time of his first mission into Mexico in 1875, which is reproduced here (courtesy of Utah State Historical Society).
“When Your Wife …”
May I commend you on “our” magazine! I look forward to each issue, especially the two conference issues, which help me meditate and study the wise counsel of our leaders. I especially liked “When Your Wife Has a Church Calling” (April 1982). We’ve been married for twenty years, and it surely makes life easier when you work together in everything you do. Thank you for your good work.
Pinkie Ratliff
Arlington, Virginia
Grow Your Own Greens
I would like to add something to the article “How We Store Food in a Warm Climate,” by Wilbur C. Allen (October 1981, p. 62). During the 1973 war between Israel and Egypt I had to live at least partly on my stored foods. Men and vehicles were on active duty, and I was working in the hospital up to eighteen hours a day. Fresh fruits and vegetables were limited, and my shopping time was virtually nil. I ate one meal a day at the hospital, mostly canned foods.
I soon learned that boredom will get to you. I therefore found it wise to store several varieties of grains and legumes. If, like myself, you are used to eating fresh fruit and vegetables all year, dried and canned foods soon pall. I earnestly longed for something fresh.
I have no garden space, and I live in a small apartment. So I learned to sprout nearly everything to get greenery, and to grow a couple of window boxes full of cress, parsley, green onions, lettuce, radishes, and even nasturtiums, whose spicy, edible leaves add a tang to a dull meal.
I also found that when storing lentils and beans in small amounts, as a single person would do, insects can be eliminated if you wash the grains thoroughly, then let them stand a minute or two in clear water to let any insects float to the top. Spread the dried food out on a sheet to dry; then store again in a tightly covered container. Inspect occasionally. I have stored “washed lentils” over a year with no return of insects.
Margreta C. I. Spencer
Safad, Israel
Ballroom Dancers
As one who arranges for the BYU Ballroom Dance Teams to stay here in the Rossendale Valley for three days when they come to compete in the “All-Britian Dance Championships,” I am proud to tell readers of the Ensign that this year they were received by the mayor in our local town hall. He was very touched when the dance teams sang for him “I Am a Child of God” and told them they represented that which was kind and good. Their example makes it so much easier for us to tell people about the Church. They may be a long way from home while they are here, but they are not a long way from loved ones.
J. Vernon
Rawtenstall, Lancs. England