“Policies and Announcements,” Ensign, Aug. 1982, 76–78
Policies and Announcements
The following items appeared in the June 1982 Bulletin.
Family Home Evening Manual. There will be no new family home evening manual printed for 1983. Bishoprics should (1) encourage families to use previous manuals in their possession or (2) order copies of the following past manuals from the Salt Lake Distribution Center. The supply is limited. A new family home evening resource book designed to last for several years is to be introduced. It will contain a large number of suggested lessons and resources, helps for parents, and a new section of suggested home-centered activities.
Year |
Title |
Stock Number |
Price |
1975–76 |
Walk in the Light |
PBHT5073 |
$.50 |
1979–80 |
Personal Commitment |
PBHT5131 |
.50 |
1980–81 |
Heaven in Our Home |
PBHT5142 |
.50 |
1982 |
Delight in the Law of the Lord |
PBHT5153 |
1.50 |
Family Histories. The North Hollywood Third Ward of the Los Angeles California North Hollywood Stake responded to the challenge given by President Spencer W. Kimball to write family histories. Ward members were asked to record the conversion story of the first member of their family to join the Church. Many ward members had been the first to join, and as a result their personal conversion stories were recorded. With some, however, the first member was almost as far back as the restoration of the Church. Some ward members undertook much personal research to obtain the needed history. The project brought a renewal of the spirit of genealogy in the ward as members became involved in preparing conversion stories. All the stories were compiled into a 166-page book, And a Record Shall Be Kept, a record of the Lord’s dealings with people in many different times and in many different lands—stories of courage, faith, and sometimes great trial. This book preserves the heritage of the members of this ward. They owe their membership in the Church to those whose conversions and experiences are preserved in And a Record Shall Be Kept.
Four-Generation Submission to the Ancestral File. This is a reminder that four-generation submissions is an ongoing program. Those who have not done so should prepare and submit an accurate pedigree chart and the corresponding family group records. If possible, brothers and sisters and their parents should work together on this assignment. As soon as the family has completed these records as best they can, one member representing the family should send a copy of the records to the Ancestral File, 50 East North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150. This file will be a vital part of the ongoing genealogical program of the Church.
Many families have already submitted four-generation records to the Ancestral File. These families should be commended for their efforts. Research should now be continued on each family line as far back as possible. As ancestors are identified, the names should be submitted for temple ordinance work if the work has not already been done.
Gathering Talent and Interest Surveys. The Crescent Seventeenth Ward, Sandy Utah Crescent West Stake, activities committee began to make a talent and interest survey of all adult members of their ward by distributing survey forms at Sunday School, Relief Society, and priesthood meetings with the permission of the respective leaders. In this way, they surveyed 30 percent of the ward members. The committee chairman completed the survey himself by visiting ten or fifteen families at a time asking them to complete the forms during the next thirty minutes, after which he returned to pick them up. This approach had several benefits. Over a period of several months the completion ratio had increased from 30 percent to 86 percent, so that the committee was able to base its activity plans on a firm knowledge of ward members’ needs and interests. The final list included some who had not attended regular Church meetings. People who might not normally respond to such a survey were delighted that someone was interested in their skills and interests.
Copyright guidelines. The following guidelines apply to all use of copyrighted materials by Church organizations.
a. Finding Copyright Status. To be copyrighted, a published script, sheet music, or a recording must carry a notice that includes the year it is first published and the copyright owner’s name. If the notice indicates that less than seventy-five years have elapsed since first publication, consider the material as copyrighted.
b. Copying. Do not duplicate copyrighted sheet music, scripts, or recordings without the copyright owner’s written permission. You may copy sheet music copyrighted by the Church if you include the Church copyright notice on each copy.
c. Performance. You must obtain the copyright owner’s written permission to perform all or part of a copyrighted play or musical production in a Church building or other public place, even if you do not charge admission. However, you do not need permission if the Church owns the copyright.
You may play copyrighted music whether it is originally part of a musical production or not, if you do not charge admission, directly or indirectly, or pay the performers or directors. You may play such music as an accompaniment or as part of an original skit or road show. You may also use recordings of such music. However, you may not perform the music in its copyrighted dramatic setting as it originally appeared without permission. Attempts to reproduce the original setting with scenery, costumes, and so forth would be considered a performance of part of the dramatic production.
d. Recording. You must have the written permission of the copyright owner to record the performance of a copyrighted dramatic production or musical work.
The Church Copyrights and Permissions Office will answer questions or assist in handling copyright matters. They are located at 50 East North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150.
Dance and Music. Dance can be an important part of the Church activity program. Priesthood leaders may encourage dancing in the wards and stakes to provide enjoyable and spiritually uplifting social and recreational activities for all members of the Church. The bishopric may call dance specialists to work under the direction of the activities committee to—
a. Provide ideas for dances.
b. Organize dance activities to include families, special age groups, combined age groups, or groups with special needs.
c. Give instruction in various dance forms and appropriate conduct at a dance.
In providing opportunities for youth and others to help plan and carry out dance activities, priesthood leaders should counsel with those involved to pay strict attention to—
a. Lyrics. The lyrics should contain nothing contrary to gospel principles.
b. Beat. The beat, whether instrumental or vocal, should not overshadow the melody.
c. Lights. Lighting should be bright enough to see across the room. Psychedelic lighting designed to pulsate with the beat of the music is not acceptable.
d. Sound. The volume of the music should be low enough to allow two persons standing side by side to carry on a normal conversation.
A Performance Contract (PXMU0029), available at no charge from Church distribution centers, can be used when hiring a live orchestra or band. The contract will help ensure appropriate conduct and music by the performers when they are playing for Church dances.
Suggestions for successful dance activities are included in the Activities Exchange (PBAC0362), available from Church distribution centers.
Referrals. The most productive referrals are from nonmembers who have expressed a willingness to have the missionaries visit them. When the nonmember has not expressed this willingness, the missionaries are rarely able to teach the gospel. Therefore, referrals should be forwarded to the missionaries only if the nonmembers have explicitly agreed to be visited. (This procedure does not change policies on friendshipping or on tracting and other types of normal missionary contacts.)
Relief Society Membership for Eighteen-year-old Women. All women who are members of the Church and are eighteen years of age and older, and those who are married, are members of Relief Society. Therefore, young women who reach their eighteenth birthdays will generally move into Relief Society. However, there may be special circumstances such as individual maturity, desire to continue with peer group associates, graduation from high school, and attendance at college that may make it advisable to make exceptions to this policy. Such exceptions should occur after the young woman consults with her bishop and parents, and with the approval of her bishop.