undefined undefined General Conference Music
General Conference Music
May 1984

“General Conference Music,” Ensign, May 1984, 86

General Conference Music

This summary of conference music is provided for choir directors and other interested Church members.

Saturday Morning, 7 April 1984, General Session

The Salt Lake Mormon Tabernacle Choir, directed by Jerold Ottley and Donald Ripplinger, with organist Robert Cundick, sang “Praise the Lord With Heart and Voice” by Cannon (Hymns, no. 149), “Behold, the Tabernacle of God” by Harris (Hinshaw Music, Inc.), “How Wondrous and Great” by Haydn/Onderdonk (Hymns, no. 146), “Truth Eternal” by Schreiner/Pratt (Hymns, no. 189), “Jesus, Once of Humble Birth” by Pratt (Hymns, no. 88), and “Sweet Is the Peace the Gospel Brings” by Durham/Morton (Hymns, no. 191). The congregation sang “Now Let Us Rejoice” by Phelps (Hymns, no. 118).

Saturday Afternoon, 7 April 1984, General Session

A combined single-adult choir and Salt Lake Institute choir, directed by Ronald Horton, with organist Clay Christiansen, sang “O Sons of Zion” by Manookin/Rowe, arr. Manookin (Sonos), “Beautiful Savior,” arr. Manookin (Sonos), and “The Lord’s Prayer” by Malotte, arr. Deis, Weinrich (G. Schirmer). The congregation sang “We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet” by Norton/Fowler (Hymns, no. 196).

Saturday Evening, 7 April 1984, Priesthood Session

A father/son priesthood choir, directed by Willard R. Kesling and Brent Farley, with organist Clay Christiansen, sang “The Lord Is My Shepherd,” anon. (unpublished), “See, The Mighty Angel Flying” by Stephens/Thompson (Hymns, no. 342), “Almighty God of Our Fathers” by James (B. F. Wood), and “Sweet Is the Work” by McClellan/Watts, arr. Manookin (The Choirbook, p. 20; adapted for men’s voices by Kesling). The congregation sang “High on the Mountain Top” by Beesley/Johnson (Hymns, no. 312).

Sunday Morning, 8 April 1984, General Session

The Tabernade Choir, directed by Jerold Ottley and Donald Ripplinger, with organist John Longhurst, sang “Father, Thy Children to Thee Now Raise” by Stephens (Hymns, no. 43), “God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son” by Schreiner/Kimball (Hymns, no. 178), “Rejoice, the Lord Is King” by Parker/Wesley (Hymns, no. 151), “We’ll Sing the Songs of Zion” by Mendelssohn/Mills (Hymns, no. 205), “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” by Wyeth/Robinson (Hymns, no. 70), “Come Ye Disconsolate” by Webbe/Moore/Hastings (Hymns, no. 18), and “Benediction” by Bradshaw (Sonos). The congregation sang “The Spirit of God Like a Fire Is Burning” by Phelps (Hymns, no. 213).

Sunday Afternoon, 8 April 1984, General Session

The Tabernacle Choir, directed by Jerold Ottley and Donald Ripplinger, with organist Robert Cundick, sang “Jehovah, Lord of Heaven and Earth” by Holden (Hymns, no. 83), “A Song of Praise” by Wolford/Gage (Flammer), and “Come, Follow Me” by McBurney/Nicholson (Hymns, no. 14). The congregation sang “Redeemer of Israel” by Lewis/Phelps (Hymns, no. 195).