Ardeth Greene Kapp Young Women General President
May 1984

“Ardeth Greene Kapp Young Women General President,” Ensign, May 1984, 98

Ardeth Greene Kapp

Young Women General President

Ardeth Greene Kapp

“She has a readiness and a willingness, even an anxiousness, to serve,” said Heber B. Kapp of his wife, Ardeth Greene Kapp. Sister Kapp was sustained 7 April 1984 as the Young Women general president. She follows Sister Elaine A. Cannon in this calling as head of an organization of 250,000 young women from the ages of twelve to eighteen.

Of her new call, Sister Kapp says: “I am humbly grateful for the sacred trust extended to me. I desire to live so as to be directed by the Spirit in fulfilling the Lord’s purpose through the direction of priesthood leadership. And I feel deep gratitude for a companion who is committed to encouraging my total dedication.”

A native of Glenwood, Alberta, Canada, Sister Kapp grew up in a small farming community. “I was raised in a family which placed a high priority on obedience,” she says. “I feel comfortable taking counsel from and following Church leaders.” As a small girl, she learned not only obedience, but love. Working in a country grocery store which her family owned and operated gave her the opportunity to associate with and to appreciate all kinds of people. She was called to teach in Primary at an early age and has held many administrative and teaching positions since that time.

Sister Kapp feels that one of the most important lessons of her life has been learning to rely on our Heavenly Father. “I have had many challenges,” she says, “which have taught me to call on the Lord and to receive strength from him. I have learned how important it is to be submissive to the will of the Lord and to always follow his leaders. I have learned that when I want an answer, if I am patient and follow his leaders, the answer will come.”

Because Brother and Sister Kapp have no children, they have been committed to reaching out and touching the lives of others. Both remember the words of President David O. McKay, who said that “the noblest aim in life is to strive to make other lives better and happier.” (Pathways to Happiness, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1957, p. 280.)

Sister Kapp has an understanding of the purposes of the Young Women program and feels a great love for the youth she now serves. “The program is in place,” she says. “The principles are sound; personal progress is an eternal principle.

“I see a need to continue to provide rich experiences for our youth that will help them develop a strong testimony. They need a strong testimony to meet the challenges and to resist the temptations of these days.

“I think we have all learned that ‘fun and games’ has little if any lasting impact when compared to the lasting joy of happy times in service and in meaningful associations.”

When speaking of young women, Sister Kapp’s eyes sparkle. “Theirs is a time of refreshing discovery and joyfulness in the beauties of life,” she says. “They possess an eagerness for adventure and excitement. These natural inclinations need to be nurtured and strengthened to lead to the real and lasting excitement found only in living the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Sister Kapp replaces Sister Elaine A. Cannon who with her counselors, Arlene B. Darger and Norma B. Smith, have served as the Young Women general presidency since July 1978.

Sister Kapp has been serving as Young Adult Sunday School teacher in her Bountiful Utah Central Stake. From 1972 to 1978 she served in the Young Women general presidency. She has also served on the Youth Correlation and General Curriculum committees of the Church.

She received a B.S. degree from the University of Utah and an M.S. degree in Curriculum Development from Brigham Young University. She taught in the Davis County School District in Utah, supervised student teachers in BYU’s College of Education, coordinated the Student Leadership Development program at BYU, and wrote and instructed a series of TV programs for the Utah Network of Instructional Television.

Sister Kapp has authored five books, as well as many articles for Church publications, educational brochures, and study guides.
