undefined undefined Four New Missions Created, New Mission Presidents Called
Four New Missions Created, New Mission Presidents Called
July 1984

“Four New Missions Created, New Mission Presidents Called,” Ensign, July 1984, 76–77

Four New Missions Created, New Mission Presidents Called

The Church has organized four new missions—in Florida, Haiti, South Africa, and Ohio.

The Florida Fort Lauderdale Mission is a reactivation of a mission that was discontinued in 1983 when the West Indies Mission was created. The original Florida Fort Lauderdale Mission, opened in 1979, covered all of the Caribbean. Officially in operation on July 1, under President Claud D. Mangum, the reactivated Florida Fort Lauderdale Mission includes within its boundaries three stakes taken from the Florida Tampa Mission—Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and West Palm Beach—and the Bahamas, taken from the West Indies Mission. Some 2.7 million people live within its boundaries.

The remaining West Indies Mission now covers the Lesser Antilles, Jamaica, and Grand Cayman. Nearly five million English-, French-, and Spanish-speaking people live within its boundaries, including about 540 members in the Kingston Jamaica District and island branches.

Missionaries of the new Haiti Mission will work among some five million French- and Creole-speaking people of that country. There are currently more than 550 members in the Port-au-Prince Haiti District. The new mission, also taken from the West Indies Mission, will begin operation August 1. James S. Arrigona has been called as its president.

The new South Africa Cape Town Mission includes about two thousand Church members and some 6.5 million residents in the west part of South Africa.

G. Phillip Margetts, who has been serving as president of the South Africa Johannesburg Mission, will be its president. Afrikaans, English, and several African languages are spoken in the mission. The new mission, in operation as of July 1, was taken from the South Africa Johannesburg Mission, organized originally in 1903. That mission now has more than ten thousand members.

The new Ohio Akron Mission, also in operation as of July 1, was taken from the Ohio Cleveland Mission. It covers the northeast corner of Ohio, including the historic Kirtland area. There are nearly six thousand members among the more than three million people living within the mission boundaries. Ohio also contains the Ohio Columbus Mission and parts of the Kentucky Louisville and West Virginia Charleston Missions.

In addition to these announcements, the First Presidency has called the following brethren as mission presidents. Their assignments begin this month.



J. Duffy Palmer

Africa West

Melvin M. Hall (transferred from Philippines Davao Mission)

Alabama Birmingham

Heber D. Perrett

Alaska Anchorage

Jorge O. Abad

Argentina Buenos Aires South

Carlos R. Fernandez

Argentina Cordoba

Jesse E. Stay

Argentina Rosario

F. Mac Bay

Arizona Holbrook

Lloyd P. George

Arizona Tempe

LaMont L. Bennett

Arkansas Little Rock

Spencer J. Condie

Austria Vienna

F. Melvin Hammond

Bolivia Cochabamba

Cory Wm. Bangerter

Brazil Rio de Janeiro

Robert R. Steuer

Brazil Sao Paulo North

Roger W. Call

Brazil Sao Paulo South

Curtis N. Van Alfen

California Anaheim

Robert C. Meier

California Arcadia

Robert D. Linnell

California Fresno

Clarence R. Campbell

California Los Angeles

Norman N. White

California Sacramento

Clair E. Rosenberg

California San Diego

Karl T. Homer

California San Jose

Newell A. Barney

California Ventura

Claudio Signorelli

Chile Osorno

Stewart E. Glazier

Chile Santiago North

Lynn A. Mickelsen

Colombia Cali

James D. Caldwell

Colorado Denver

Svend H. P. Svendsen

Denmark Copenhagen

Veigh J. Nielson

England Coventry

Dixie L. Leavitt

England Leeds

Wilbur C. Woolf

Fiji Suva

Melvin J. Luthy

Finland Helsinki

Claud D. Mangum

Florida Ft. Lauderdale

Floyd L. Packard

Florida Tallahassee

James D. Fife

France Paris

Bruce M. Lake

Germany Munich

Gary E. Elliott

Guatemala Guatemala City

Juan Manuel Cedeno

Guatemala Quezaltenango

James S. Arrigona

Haiti Port-au-Prince

William O. Perry, III

Hawaii Honolulu

Boyd K. Storey

Idaho Boise

Douglas W. Cleghorn

Iowa Des Moines

Koichi Aoyagi

Japan Sendai

Robert D. Goodwin

Japan Tokyo South

Allen C. Ostergar, Jr.

Kentucky Louisville

James M. Harper

Korea Pusan

M. Moreno Robins

Mexico Guadalajara

Jorge H. Perez (transferred from Guatemala Quezaltenango Mission)

Mexico Merida

Quinton S. Harris

Mexico Mexico City North

Jack T. Beecroft

Mexico Veracruz

Richard N. McDougal

Michigan Lansing

F. Edward Bennett

Minnesota Minneapolis

V. Loren Chapman

Nevada Las Vegas

Dale R. Shumway

New York Rochester

John R. Lasater

New Zealand Auckland

Carleton Q. Anderson

Paraguay Asuncion

Dean M. Hansen

Pennsylvania Harrisburg

W. ElDean Holliday

Pennsylvania Pittsburgh

Dale H. Christensen

Peru Lima South

Reynaldo I. Vergara

Philippines Davao

Reuben Perry Ficklin

Portugal Lisbon

Tagaloa Malini Ti’a

Samoa Apia

Joel J. Dunn

Scotland Edinburgh

G. Phillip Margetts (transferred from South Africa Johannesburg)

South Africa Cape Town

Maurice B. Bateman

South Africa Johannesburg

J. Weston Daw

South Carolina Columbia

Ricardo Valencia

Spain Barcelona

Erik G. Johnson

Sweden Stockholm

David J. Sperry

Switzerland Geneva

Stephen L. Graham

Tahiti Papeete

Richard E. Black

Tennessee Nashville

D. Keith Myres

Texas Houston

Lavar D. Skousen

Venezuela Caracas

R. LaMar Bradshaw

Washington Seattle

D. Heyward Davis, Jr.

Wisconsin Milwaukee