undefined undefined New Fitness-Recreation Manual Available
New Fitness-Recreation Manual Available
July 1984

“New Fitness-Recreation Manual Available,” Ensign, July 1984, 77

New Fitness-Recreation Manual Available

A new Physical Fitness, Sports, and Recreation Manual (stock no. PBAC0158) is now available from Church distribution centers. The cost is seventy-five cents.

The manual, containing ideas for physical fitness, competitive sports, and weight control, is to be used as part of the activities program of the Church. It also encourages family sports activities.

Guidelines on sportsmanship, ward and stake organization, finances, uniforms, coaching, and eligibility rules are included in the competitive sports section of the manual. It also gives rules for major team sports and information on holding tournaments.

Clark T. Thorstenson, physical activities director for the General Activities Committee, said the purpose of the physical fitness part of the manual is to encourage “each Church member to become involved in a personalized fitness program.”